Es ist nicht klar, wie groß die Rolle von Antibiotika in den Wettbewerbsbeziehungen zwischen Mikroorganismen unter natürlichen Bedingungen ist. Zelman vaxman glaubte, dass diese Rolle minimal ist, Antibiotika werden nicht anders als in reinen Kulturen auf reichen Umgebungen gebildet. Anschließend wurde jedoch festgestellt, dass bei vielen Produzenten die Aktivität der antibiotikasynthese in Gegenwart anderer Arten oder spezifischer Produkte Ihres Stoffwechsels zunimmt.

Tel +9626 534 2386, Mob +96279 557 1068, E-mail PERSONAL DETAILS
FRCOG, Fellow of the Royal College of Obstetricians& Gynaecologists, London
MRCOG, Member of the Royal College of Obstetricians& Gynaecologists, London
MBChB (Hons), Faculty of Medicine, Alexandria University, Egypt
French International Baccalaureate, College De La Salle& St Mark, Alexandria

Mar 1998
Certificate of Merit, Jordanian Society of Obs/Gyn, Amman, Jordan
Silver Academic Distinction, Faculty of Medicine, Alexandria University, Egypt

Member of Jordan Medical Council, Amman, Jordan
Member of Royal College of Obstetricians& Gynaecologists, London
Member of Jordanian Society of Obs/Gyn, Amman, Jordan
Elected Fellow, Jordanian Representative Committee of the Royal College of Obs/Gyn of London
Elected Member, Executive Committee of the Jordanian Society of Obs/Gyn
Ex-Chairman, Scientific Committee of the Jordanian Society of Obs/Gyn
Oct 2003-till date
Assistant Professor & Consultant Obs/Gyn, Mu’tah University, Jordan
Aug 2008-Sept 2009 Head of Obs/Gyn Dept, Faculty of Medicine, Mu’tah University, Jordan

Consultant Obs/Gyn, Private Practice, Amman/Jordan
 Oct 1982- Dec 1984 Consultant Obs/Gyn, Islamic Teaching Hospitals, Amman/Jordan
 Sept 1982- Oct 1982 Locum Consultant Obs/Gyn, Arabian American Oil Company
 Nov 1978- Nov 1980 Consultant Obs/Gyn, Bashir Teaching Hospitals, Amman/Jordan
 Sept 1976- Sept 1978 Obs/Gyn Registrar, Park Hospital, Davyhlume, Manchester, UK
 Jun 1974- Sept 1976 Obs/Gyn Registrar, Women’s and Liverpool Maternity Hospital, UK
Obs/Gyn Senior House Officer (SHO), West Cheshire Hospital, UK
To: Prof. T.N.T Jeffcoate and Mr. S. Bender Obs/Gyn SHO Crumpsall Hospital, Manchester, UK
 Oct 1972- Feb 1973 Anaesthesia SHO, Oldham Royal Infirmary, Oldham, UK
 Apr 1972- Oct 1972 Obs/Gyn House Officer, Oldham Royal Infirmary, Oldham, UK
 Feb 1972- Mar 1972 Clinical Attaché Obs/Gyn, St. George Hospital, London, UK
 Sept 1970- Aug 1971 House Officer, Alexandria Teaching Hospitals, Alexandria, Egypt

I worked in the United Kingdom for nearly 7 years during which I performed almost every type of
gynaecological operations and gained maximum experience in obstetrics, I also worked with Mr. P.C.
Steptoe who was a known authority in IVF and laparoscopy where the 1st Test Tube baby was
performed in the world. Throughout my practice, I have been involved in the management of infertility
cases in the light of the latest methods for induction of ovulation and active management of IVF
Currently I am involved in teaching medical students at The Faculty of Medicine, Mu’tah University
which I enjoy a lot, I am also an external examiner at Jordan University Hospital (JUH) and Jordan
University of Science and Technology (JUST).


1. Uri F. I. & Opaneye. Haemoperitoneum due to Endometriosis simulating ectopic pregnancy.
British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Aug 1979. 2. Uri F. I. and Abadi A.A. Problems of smoking in Jordan. Jordanian Health Journal, 1983.
Uri F. I. Microganthia and other anomalies in children of a mother with balanced reciprocal
translocation. Scientific Symposium of Obs/Gyn, Jordanian Medical Syndicate, 1984. 4. Uri F. I. Agenesis of the penis. Jordan Medical Journal, Nov 1984.
Uri F. I. Review of the alleged menstrual disorders as a sequel of surgical sterilization. 1st
Arab-Italian Congress, Rome, Italy, 1988. 6. Uri F. I. et al. Smoking and Pregnancy- A prospective study of 1008 Jordanian cases. 1st
Jordanian Obs/Gyn conference, Amman, Jordan, 1989. 7. Uri F. I. et al. Amoxycillin/ Clavulanic acid (Augmentin) compared with triple therapy for pelvic
inflammatory disease. International Federation of Gynaecology and Obstetrics. Translated and published in The Italian Journal of Obs/Gyn, Nov 1992. 8. Uri F. I. et al. Massive vulval warts in pregnancy. Egyptian Congress of Obs/Gyn, 1993.
Uri F. I. Trauma of the newborn, a review study. Scientific Symposium of Obs/Gyn, King
10. Uri F. I. and Abdulmalek A.M. Intrauterine insemination (IUT) with superovulation. 3rd
Obstetrics and Gynaecology Congress, Amman 1995. 11. Uri F. I. and Sarraf Maher. Retrospective study of 125 cases of X-Y separation in Jordan. 5th
Middle East Fertility Society Conference, Amman, Jordan, Nov 1998. 12. Uri F. I. et al. Dietary intervention versus metformin to improve the reproductive outcome in
women with polycystic ovary syndrome. Saudi Medical Journal, 2007; 28 (11): 1694-1699. RESEARCH WORK IN PROGRESS

1. Uri F. I. et al. Psychmetrics of a new single best answer for undergraduate examinees in
obstetrics and gynaecology. Mu’tah University, Karak, Jordan. (Submitted- pending).
2. Uri F. I. et al. Intrauterine insemination and superovulation in male factor infertility.
Uri F. I. et al. Age of menarche in southern Jordan. (Submitted- pending).
Uri F. I. et al. Changes in the intraocular pressure in pregnant women (primigravida and
5. Uri F. I. et al. Screening for chromosomal abnormalities by maternal age and fetal nuchal
translucency thickness at 10-14 weeks of gestation. (Submitted for publication- pending).

 International Computer Driving Licence (ICDL), Mu’tah, Jan 2005.


 Dr Tarek Suheimat M.D Consultant Nephrologist, Amman 06 464 8933  Prof. Majed Bata. Chief of staff, Jordan University Hospital, Amman 06 535 3666, Mob 079


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