By Thursday, April 7, limited-notice WMD plague had spread to every (weapons of mass destruc-
county in New Jersey. In an tion) response exercise, effort to stem the outbreak, designed to better prepare Acting Governor Codey senior government officials ordered the opening of dis- to effectively respond to an pensing sites to distribute actual terrorist attack in-antibiotics to citizens. In volving a biological weapon. Roxbury Township, over In Morris County the action
one hundred Morris County was in Roxbury Township
Medical Reserve Corps Vol- where the Morris County
800 medical professionals
to 400 people including pre-positioned equipment
220 non medical
It wasn’t real, it was over 200 “victim” actors.
TOPOFF3: a national-level, Local and county officials
multi-agency, multi- will now use the observa- bers.
SAVE THE DATE: PLANNING FOR SPECIAL NEEDS October 22, 2005 Region II Medical Reserve Corps Conference Manalapan, NJ ANTIBIOTICS FOUND IN THE STRATEGIC NATIONAL STOCKPILE Doxycycline, doxy, is an Ciprofloxacin, cipro, is a
dosing depends on the weight lantin (for seizures) or if you
nant women should also avoid cipro 2 hours before a meal
2-1-1 will be able to answer “Our database is growing as the
calls for health information or service grows,” Julie Lange,
pany. The office also answers The well trained staff responds
opportunities, low-cost apart- Essex, Sussex, and Union
true number. The ability to detect an ab-
erration depends on timely and consistent
reporting of all reportable diseases. Al-
though this is a limitation, surveillance
clinical laboratory worker first notices was first suspected when routinely sub-
data is still valuable in a number of ways.
They help identify demographic groups at
higher risk of illness for which programs
These data also allow for analysis of dis-
ease trends and can help identify epidem-
NIMS include Command and FEMA’s NIMS website at:
ernment would have to assist. domestic incident manage-
tion Center oversees and facili- sponders are all required to
to offer more opportunities the Class A agents, the
county’s response plans and 631-5491) or Arlene (973-
pate in exercises. Participa- an overview of what a point 631-5489) know.
it is difficult to know exactly Preparedness, check the
needed. If there is a training www.northwestnjredcross. W W W . M O R R I S H E A L T H . O R G WHAT TO EXPECT AT A POD Coming soon:
Acting as a staff member in a phylaxis of hundreds of
Identification cards for MRC volunteers Fit testing on N95 masks.
most seasoned medical pro- no time to waste, the main will move through these
Rutgers 40 Hour-
concept behind the POD is stations very rapidly.
because it is a situation not getting as many pills in
Bioterrorism modules
medical professionals we are the shortest amount of
trained to excel to a level of time, a much different
scenario then with routine you are doing a great job!
practice, and we train our- medical care. Another
selves to accept nothing less major difference is that
than that standard of care for rather than emphasizing
tates the opening of a POD Each POD is broken up
would require the mass pro- into 3 streamlined sta-
JAMA, The Journal of the American Medic. April 8, 1992 v267 n14 p1969(3) The magical medical media tour. Many local television stations in the 1990s have a medical news reporter. But much of the medical news that is on the air may be the product of public relations efforts by physicians, hospitals, and pharmaceutical and medical device manufacturers. Many medical news reporters do not
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