
Double Trigger
Bijou D’Inde
By John Scanlon
Fly To The Stars
In 1996, Bijou d'Inde battled to success in in the two-mile event in 2009, 3:24:13, was Determination
Fruits Of Love
ing to Mark, he confesses to self-doubt as rated in 1946, has fallen to Kingsley House Townsend, in 2006 that "as we get nearer Celtic Silence
Fruits Of Love
and nearer the day, it's like approaching Systematic (2002), Fantastic Love (2003), the ability of his horses and his skills as a trainer in the white heat of the best Flat racing festival in the world. He has noth- It's probably fair to say that, in his search winners he has sent out since starting out centrepiece of Mark’s year, and he has in Mark often buys horses with the potential Royal Rebel
from scratch as a trainer in 1986; at Royal the past described it as 'by far the great- to stay, and that juveniles who show they Takamaka Bay
"It's still a bit too early to be anything like pencilled in for a tilt at this race.
And Beyond
track, and for the Royal Meeting in partic- The juvenile races are particularly hard to ular. It is a love affair 'triggered', if you'll predict at this stage, but hopefully Mark cess of his great stayer Double Trigger in mind. A three-year-old winner in the pre- cilled in for a future tilt at the Gold Cup, or Helm Bank
ered for some of the classier races, much Royal Rebel
a classy juvenile bracketed as a candidate will depend on their progress in the final This year's Royal Ascot is rich in promise, for the King George V Handicap if it has a weeks immediately prior to the festival. with entries from a dozen countries for its "That said," commented Mark, "we will be seven Group 1 events alone. Mark relishes Systematic
"I love it," he told the Sporting Life back Piece by piece, a team is assembled ready Queen's Vase, and 2-y-o races, but horses "I can't stand the pressure in the preced- source of winners for MJR over the years.
satisfied with nothing less than a winning Throughout the racing world, Mark’s hors- All sections of the string are scoured for Attraction
qualities, and nowhere has this been seen win in the race in 2001, no fewer than five Pearl Of Love
I’m So Lucky
Fantastic Love
Melrose Avenue
Soapy Danger
Russian Valour
Drill Sergeant
Double Obsession
Linas Selection
Fennell Bay
Shanty Star

Source: http://www.markjohnstonracing.com/mjr-pdf/other_stories/2013_06_Our%20Royal%20Ascot%20story_Kingsley%20Klarion.pdf

Final minutes 10 24 13

MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS HELD October 24, 2013 President Don Montfort called the meeting to order at: 4:31 pm . Other persons present included Commissioner Carl Reichhardt, Commissioner Pat Alesse, General Manager Roger Brown, Assistant General Manager Dan Eisses, Attorney Bob Carmichael (arrived at 4:38 pm), Interim Finance Director Meredith Riley,

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Safer Britain, Safer WorldThe decision not to replace Trident The decision on whether or not to replace Britain’s nuclear weapons system must be taken on the basis of what will most contribute to the security of the British people. A decision not to replace Trident will best meet that requirement. It will strengthen the international disarmament and non-proliferation regime

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