Es ist nicht klar, wie groß die Rolle von Antibiotika in den Wettbewerbsbeziehungen zwischen Mikroorganismen unter natürlichen Bedingungen ist. Zelman vaxman glaubte, dass diese Rolle minimal ist, Antibiotika werden nicht anders als in reinen Kulturen auf reichen Umgebungen gebildet. Anschließend wurde jedoch festgestellt, dass bei vielen Produzenten die Aktivität der antibiotikasynthese in Gegenwart anderer Arten oder spezifischer Produkte Ihres Stoffwechsels zunimmt.
How can I reduce discomfort? From “HOW IT WORKS” in the meeting format of
For some of the milder detoxing symptoms,
a few home remedies have proven to be useful:
• Hot soaking baths can help the emotions
none of us are saints. Our program is not easy,
• Drink plenty of water and clear liquids, just
We strive for progress,not perfection.
• Cranberry juice has been used effectively
• Really excessive sweating can deplete the
body of potassium, a necessary mineral. Afew foods high in potassium are melons,b a n a n a s , c i t ru s f ru i t s , g re e n l e a f y
Marijuana Anonymous
• Eliminate fat from the diet until digestion
12 Step Program For Marijuana Addicts
• Greatly reduce or eliminate caffeine until
Marijuana Anonymous World Services P.O. Box 2912
• The old fashioned remedy for insomnia, a
Van Nuys, CA 91404 Toll Free: 1-800-766-6779
• Exercise not only helps depression and
other unpleasant emotions, it helps thebody speed up the healing process. Conference Approved Literature 1992 Marijuana AnonymousWhat is Detoxing?
diet at the same time. Fasting, or a crash diet, can re-
What about physical symptoms?
lease the THC into the bloodstream very rapidly and
can give a positive reading. This has happened to sev-
gets rid of the toxins accumulated from years
eral of our members, but each time only with crash
of using. It happens the first few days or weeks
headaches. For those who have them, they can
diets and major weight loss, not with just eating less
after getting clean and/or sober. It is also the
last for a few weeks up to a couple of months,
very beginning of getting used to dealing with
with the first few days being very intense. The
reality and real feelings with no numbing agent.
next most common physical symptom is nightsweats, sometimes to the point of having to
What are some of the more common symptoms?
change night clothes. They can last from a few
Can there be physical effects from
nights to a month or so. Sweating is one of the
quitting marijuana?
body’s natural ways of getting rid of toxins.
By far the most common symptom of withdrawal
Hand sweats are very common and are often
In spite of numerous years of being told that
is insomnia. This can last from a few nights of practi-
accompanied by an unpleasant smell from the
there are no physiological effects from mari-
cally no sleep at all, up to a few months of occasional
hands. Body odor is enough in many instances
juana addiction, many of our recovering mem-
sleeplessness. The next most common symptom is de-
to require extra showers or baths. Coughing up
bers have had definite withdrawal symptoms.
pression (that is, if you’re not euphoric), and next are
phlegm is another way the body cleans itself.
Whether the causes are physical or psychologi-
nightmares and vivid dreams. Marijuana use tends
This can last for a few weeks to well over six
cal, the results are physical. Others have just
to dampen the dreaming mechanism, so that when
had emotional and mental changes as they stop
you do get clean the dreams come back with a crash.
One third of the addicts who responded to
using their drug of choice. There is no way of
They can be vivid color, highly emotional dreams or
a questionnaire on detoxing said they had eat-
telling before quitting who will be physically
nightmares, even waking up then coming back to the
ing problems for the first few days and some
uncomfortable and who will not. Most mem-
same dream. The very vivid, every night dreams usu-
for up to six weeks. Their main symptoms were
bers have only minor physical discomfort if any
ally don’t start for a about a week or so. They last for
loss of appetite, sometimes enough to lose
at all. This pamphlet is for those who are hav-
about a month at most and then taper off. “Using”
weight temporarily, digestion problems or
ing trouble and wonder what’s happening to
dreams (dreams involving the use of marijuana) are
cramps after eating, and nausea, occasionally
very common, and although they’re not as vivid or
enough to vomit (only for a day or two). Most
emotional as at first, they last for years and are just
of the eating problems were totally gone be-
Why do some effects last so long?
considered a normal part of recovery. The fourth most
common symptom is anger. This can range from a
Unlike most other drugs, including alcohol,
slow burning rage to constant irritability to sudden
THC (the active chemical in marijuana) is stored
experienced were tremors or shaking and diz-
bursts of anger when least expected: anger at the
in the fat cells and therefore takes longer to fully
ziness. Less frequently experienced were kid-
world, anger at loved ones, anger at oneself, anger at
clear the body than with any other common
ney pains, impotency, hormone changes or im-
being an addict and having to get clean. Emotional
drug. This means that some parts of the body
balances, low immunity or chronic fatigue, and
jags are very common, with emotions bouncing back
still retain THC even after a couple of months,
and forth between depression, anger, and euphoria.
rather than just the couple of days or weeks for
around two months. There have been cases of
Occasionally experienced is a feeling of fear or anxi-
addicts having more severe detox symptoms,
ety, a loss of the sense of humor, decreased sex drive,
however this is rare. For intense discomfort, see
or increased sex drive. Most all of these symptoms
Can this affect a drug test?
a doctor, preferably one who is experienced
fade to normal emotions by three months. Loss of con-
centration for the first week or month is also very com-
shown that if you quit marijuana and expect to
mon and this sometimes affects the ability to learn for
take a drug test you should not go on a crash
W01 Introduction to search methods for health economics studies Exercise: Identifying economic evaluations using HEED Imagine you are conducting a Cochrane review of Pioglitazone for type 2 diabetes mellitus. You have decided to incorporate evidence on resource use, costs and cost-effectiveness into the review, and therefore wish to search for relevant economic Read the background information
US Diagnostics Drugs of Abuse Assays Cross-Reactivity Manual by Trade Name COMPOUND (Trade Name) COMPOUND (Generic Name) Acetaminophen (See also Paracetamol) Acetaminophen (See also Paracetamol) Hydrocortisone Nifedipine Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) Positive for Methamphetamine (mAMP) and Ecstasy (MDMA) Dexamphetamine Sulphate Positive for Amphetamine (AMP)