Lorraine Fox offprints, transparencies, and tear sheets, 1964-1976
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Lorraine Fox offprints, transparencies, and tear sheets, 1964-1976
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Lorraine Fox offprints, transparencies, and tear sheets
Date [inclusive] Language
Lorraine Fox (1922-1976) began her career in commercial illustration
in the 1940s. She went on to become one of the most celebrated female
illustrators of the mid-20th century. The collection, which spans the final
decade of Fox's life, includes print proofs, transparencies and tear sheets
Lorraine Fox offprints, transparencies, and tear sheets, 1964-1976
of album covers, magazine and book illustrations, greeting cards, and
advertising materials, including a promotional packet for Haldol. Fox
taught at Parsons School of Design from 1965 until shortly before her
Biographical note
Lorraine Fox was born in Brooklyn in 1922. She graduated from Pratt Institute in 1944 and studiedpainting with Reuben Tam at the Brooklyn Museum Art School in the 1960s.
Fox began contributing illustrations to major periodicals in the late 1940s. In 1951, she joined the CharlesE. Cooper Studio, considered one of the most influential studios for commercial art and photography. Herwork appeared in Better Homes and Gardens, Woman's Day, Seventeen, and McCall's, in additionto many other national publications. She also illustrated book and album covers, children's books, andadvertisements. Fox, who was later represented by Frank Lavaty and Jeff Lavaty, worked in a variety ofmedia, including pencil, watercolors, and oils. In addition to commercial work, she exhibited in numerousgalleries and museums, often alongside her husband, fellow illustrator Bernie D'Andrea. Her work isincluded in the collections of the Society of Illustrators Museum of American Illustration.
Fox began teaching illustration at Parsons School of Design in 1965, and remained at the school untilshortly before her death in 1976. In 1977, she was the subject of an article in American Artist byillustrator and former Parsons instructor Murray Tinkelman, who identifies her as one of the first artiststo successfully demonstrate the viability of illustration in an age of photography. Fox consistentlystressed the importance of finding her "inner vision" as an artist and illustrator, a trait that allowed her tointerpret commercial assignments in often arresting and unconvential ways. In 1979, Lorraine Fox wasinducted into the Illustrators Hall of Fame, and remains one of the few female illustrators to receive thisrecognition. Scope and Contents note
The Lorraine Fox collection includes clippings, proofs, sample greeting cards, tear sheets, transparencies,and offprints of periodical illustrations, album and book covers, and publicity materials. The collectioncontains no original artwork, correspondence, or materials pertaining to Fox's teaching career, althoughmaterials in the collection correspond with her years teaching at Parsons School of Design.
Unidentified illustrations in the collection primarily consist of color transparencies of Fox's illustrationwork. The transparencies are divided into categories based on subjects depicted in the drawings. Common
Lorraine Fox offprints, transparencies, and tear sheets, 1964-1976
thematic elements are: animals, children, fantasy/futuristic scenes, heterosexual couples, medicine andhealth, relationships and sexuality, and women.
Non-commercial work consists of drawings featured in group shows. This series includes a clipping froma catalog featuring a self-portrait, along with a painting for an untitled anti-war show mounted by theSociety of Illustrators.
Printed materials include RCA album covers for classical recordings, book jackets, Christmas cards,pharmaceutical advertising packets for Haldol and Pharmascan (Geigy), and magazine illustrations. Periodicals represented include Boy's Life, Family Circle, New Times, Seventeen, and True. Notableis a proof for a print advertisement seeking sponsors for a Westinghouse-produced documentary aboutLady Bird Johnson. Organization and Arrangement Organized in 3 series: Administrative Information Publication Information Use Restrictions
To publish images of material from this collection, permission must be obtained in writing from theKellen Design Archives. Please contact: archivist@newschool.edu. Custodial History note
Donated to Parsons School of Design by Bernard L. D'Andrea, Lorraine Fox's husband, in 1978, prior tothe establishment of the Kellen Design Archives. Keywords for Searching Related Subjects Genre(s)
Lorraine Fox offprints, transparencies, and tear sheets, 1964-1976
Occupation(s) Subject(s)
Commercial art -- United States -- 20th century.
Figurative art -- United States -- 20th century.
Magazine illustration -- United States -- 20th century. Collection Inventory Series I. Unidentified illustrations undated Series II. Non-commercial work 1972-1974 Series III. Printed materials 1964-1976
Lorraine Fox offprints, transparencies, and tear sheets, 1964-1976
Idea 124: International Advertising Art catalog, 1974
Pharmaceutical industry merchandising materials, 1974
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