Approximately 2 million American children, or
Children diagnosed with the inattentive form of
3% to 5%, have Attention Deficit Hyperactivity
perspective, this means that in a typical
• Become easily distracted by sights or sounds
classroom of 25-30 children, at least one of
them will have ADHD (National Institute of
Mental Health 2005). While the people with
this disorder vary tremendously regarding
personality type, environmental setting, and
type of ADHD, they have one thing in common:
they constantly struggle in school and at home
interesting fact about ADHD diagnosis. Unlike
many disorders, the symptoms of ADHD are
common to some extent in almost all children.
becomes apparent in childhood during the
This may cause some people to be skeptical
about the existence of ADHD, but the guidelines
children find behaving correctly and paying
for the disorder contain specific requirements
attention extremely difficult. There are three
that must be met before official diagnosis such
different types of ADHD. Some people are
as; the behavior must be demonstrated to an
diagnosed with the predominantly hyperactive-
inappropriate degree, it must appear early in
life, continue for at least 6 months, not be
inattentive, and some have symptoms of both
caused by any obvious environmental factors
and therefore are diagnosed with the combined
(such as sudden family problems), and it must
create a problem with functioning in at least two
hyperactivity-impulsivity form of ADHD are
areas of the child’s life such as in school and at
• Constantly “on the go” or in motion
unknown, there are several factors that influence
a child’s susceptibility. Most causes of ADHD
• Excessive fidgeting (wiggling feet, tapping a
are either neurobiological or genetic. Some
environmental factors may influence the course
or severity of the disorder but environmental
• Inability to curb immediate reactions to
factors, such as parenting style, play little if any
role in causing its initial onset. The two
environmental agents that do appear to mediate
ADHD to some degree are the use of drugs
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) Research Brief January 2006
during pregnancy, and levels of lead found in
cause of their problems is ADHD. Adults with
ADHD usually have it as a child; between 30%
Unfortunately, both these factors are correlated
and 70% of all children with ADHD continue to
exhibit a significant number of the symptoms in
considering the lack of prenatal care and child
their adult years. These symptoms often evolve
development education in some low income
and manifest themselves in different ways. For
communities, and the high levels of lead in
example, instead of constantly skipping from
paints used in older buildings (commonly found
one task to another, an adult with ADHD may
in government housing projects). Biological
feel continuously restless and unsatisfied and
include injury to the brain, certain food
additives and refined sugar, and especially
genetics. Family and twin studies indicate that
There are several different treatments for
25% of close relatives of ADHD children also
ADHD that appear to work effectively for adults
meet diagnostic criteria for ADHD, compared to
and children. The most effective treatment plan
a rate of approximately 5% in the general
is long-term combination treatments that include
behavioral therapy and medication. Most drugs
regarding genetic contributors to ADHD, more
public education on environmental agents and
stimulants. The effectiveness of these drugs
the importance of maintaining a healthy lifestyle
varies from person to person and it is best for
is needed (National Institute of Mental Health
the doctor and patient to experiment and see
which one works best. The only non-stimulant
treatment for ADHD approved by the FDA is
There are many issues to be examined regarding
Strattera (atomexetine), which utilizes the
brain’s supply of norephinephrine rather than
high rates of comorbidity with several other
dopamine, the neurotransmitter manipulated by
disorders. First and foremost, up to 30% of
stimulants such as Ritalin. It is important to
remember that medications can not cure ADHD;
learning disability. These disabilities include
they can only help moderate the symptoms.
Medications are most effective and long lasting
dyslexia), spelling, writing, and arithmetic.
Other disorders are also found in children with
accompanied by behavioral therapy, emotional
counseling, and practical support. Behavioral
oppositional defiant disorder, conduct disorder,
therapy is the most effective form of therapy for
anxiety and depressive disorders, and bipolar
disorder (National Institute of Mental Health
behavioral interventions such as (National
• Scheduling- having a structured and detailed
children, adults can be diagnosed with the
disorder as well. Not much is known about
ADHD in adults therefore diagnosing adult
everything neat and organized helps people
ADHD is difficult and often happens in an
diagnosed with ADHD and the parent becomes
• Using homework or notebook organizers-
familiar with the symptoms and treatment they
this helps children with ADHD not forget
professional help for other disorders such as
There are several controversial issues today
depression or anxiety and find that the root
regarding the diagnosis and treatment of
January 2006 Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) Research Brief
ADHD. Since the 1990’s there has been a
vast over diagnosis in this region these
700% increase in stimulant use in children in the
correlations should be taken seriously. Further
U.S. (LeFever 2003). Some suggest ADHD is
research is needed to separate the true cases of
being over diagnosed so that parents can have
access to drugs such as Ritalin to curb their
medicated cases. This is particularly true in our
child’s behavior instead of giving them more
area, because Texas has been ranked in the top
attention and disciplining them adequately. One
study found that the increase in stimulant use
prescription claims (Utah Department of Health
communities, however in some communities,
ADHD is grossly over diagnosed causing the
There are several possible policy implications
700% increase in stimulant use. Additionally,
for communities when addressing people with
some suggest that over diagnosis of ADHD in
ADHD. One possible change at a federal level
public schools is actually rewarded by federal
would be to modify the IDEA so schools are not
laws such as the Individuals with Disabilities
rewarded for diagnosing children with ADHD.
Education Act (IDEA). IDEA allocates funds to
In addition, individual communities can help
school districts based on the number of disabled
stop over diagnosis and over medication by
children, therefore giving an incentive to label a
implementing a public health approach to
disruptive child with ADHD. Others say the
increase in ADHD diagnosis is due to more
interventions and also by addressing problems
general problems in public schools such as a
such as the lack of mental health professionals
lack of mental health professionals and crowded
in public schools and large student to teacher
classrooms accompanied by poorly trained
While the symptoms associated with ADHD can
Though the cause of over diagnosis is not clear,
be quite distressing, some researchers point out
the effects are concerning. Ritalin use varies
that children with ADHD have many strengths
tremendously, and in some communities, such
when compared to their counterparts. Children
as southeastern Virginia, the rate of Ritalin use
with ADHD are naturally creative and excel in
is 100 times that of other communities. This is
abstract tasks rather than educational systems
significant because when used ineffectively,
that focus, especially in the early years, on the
Ritalin and other stimulants are correlated with
“regurgitation” of facts model. In addition,
things that are harmful to children. For
children with ADHD are often gifted, but their
example, in southeastern Virginia, students
talents need to be cultivated by a patient and
labeled with ADHD were 3 to 7 times more
knowledgeable adult (Honos-Webb 2005). In
likely than their peers to experience adverse
conclusion, ADHD is associated with many
educational outcomes such as; being expelled,
problems such as debilitating symptoms and a
suspended, requiring special education services,
vast over diagnosis and over medication in some
areas. However, through behavioral techniques,
Obviously some of these negative outcomes for
carefully monitored medication, and creative
students with ADHD could be due to their
and patient caregivers children with ADHD can
disorder not the label of the disorder or
overcome their disorder and find a successful
inappropriate stimulant use, but considering the
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) Research Brief January 2006 References
Overuse of Medication. The Scientific Review of Mental Health Practice. [Online].
National Institute of Mental Health. (2005).
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder.
Health Status Update. [Online]. Available:
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