Es ist nicht klar, wie groß die Rolle von Antibiotika in den Wettbewerbsbeziehungen zwischen Mikroorganismen unter natürlichen Bedingungen ist. Zelman vaxman glaubte, dass diese Rolle minimal ist, Antibiotika werden nicht anders als in reinen Kulturen auf reichen Umgebungen gebildet. Anschließend wurde jedoch festgestellt, dass bei vielen Produzenten die Aktivität der antibiotikasynthese in Gegenwart anderer Arten oder spezifischer Produkte Ihres Stoffwechsels zunimmt.

Microsoft word - march_2011.pdf

It is with gratitude and a sense of accomplishment that I announce the debut of the new webpage. While the
old one represented the support of a community of instructors that helped me
grow into the therapist I am today, the new one represents the direction of the
Thanks to the real clients who posed for treatment pictures, and my friend who
patiently worked with me for a year designing the page. Take a few minutes to
visit, and give me your feedback. The buttons are easier to use, and the entire
format reads easily on your SmartPhone.
PERSONAL: I’l be out of the office, attending the Maya Practitioners Convention
in Mexico, 3/17-3/21. It wil be good to reconnect with Rosita, and to learn some
additional male health and female pelvic pain release techniques. We are also
visiting the original shrine of Ix Chel in Cozumel, the patron goddess of the work,
and re-dedicating ourselves to her work.
Meanwhile, I have been reclaiming my yard and gardens at home, a big job
since it has been almost 8 years (due to travel, teaching and aging parent care)
since I have been home in Friendswood most evenings and weekends. The
herbal gardens are replanted, the native plants sections have been released
from their frozen, dead wood and are sending new sprouts out to nourish the
bees and butterflies, and I am waiting on my tropicals’ col ection to see what wil
send out a green shoot and what just gave up after 2 years of late freezes.
HEALTH WARNING: My family has ful y recuperated from the flu that hit the 3 of
us, one at a time over consecutive days, on Valentine’s weekend.
 Laura even
used the Tamiflu/Medrol dose pack combination on Days 1 and 2 to no effect,
except the $120 out of my checking account. If you have a combination of
fatigue, fever and a cough that doesn’t go away in a couple of days, with or
without the sensation of a goril a sitting on your chest, welcome to the 2011 Flu.
This is a different strain from the Flu Shot strains. Peak season hitting Houston over
next 3 weeks. Stock up on Oscil ococcinum, herbal cough syrup and Alacer
Vitamin C 1000 units. Take the Vit C daily now through May, and use the rest
when first symptoms hit. Let the fever run for 2 days, keeping up your fluids, then
treat with Salgesic (from my office) or herbal fever reducer. If you are effected,
plan for a week in bed, and another 10 days to recuperate from the fatigue--
light work days. Wear a mask to prevent your germs from affecting others, and
to protect your damaged respiratory system from the high pol en counts we wil
have later this month. Congaplex (available in my office) wil get you over the
lung cel damage quickly, and back to breathing deeply and normal y.
This flu kicked my butt: my daughter reminded me I had not been seriously sick
for more than a day or 2 since she was 9. She’s now 21. Take your precautions,
SERVICE OF THE MONTH: It’s time for diamond tip microdermabrasion, especial y
after the overuse and long time we needed indoor heaters, and before we start
healthy tanning from more time outdoors. This effective treatment helps your skin
shed old cel s, and need less amount of products for moisture. Microderm with
Facial $145
, free hand treatment with same facial, or add on for arms and hands
as $20
when getting massage or body treatment. (Yeah, nothing like seeing
Your Tired Face in the mirror and then Grandma’s hands when you look down,
UPCOMING CLASS: April 9 is the date and my office is the place for the one day
Hands on Health, the Maya Way, 9:30a-4p. A review of how the body works,
what creates il ness/disease and how to treat yourself to maintain daily good
health. CEs for massage, midwives and acupuncturists. For more info and to
register, go to

Several persons expressed an
interest in this class when first announced last fal ; this is the second offering, and
the third and final one for 2011 wil be in June in Friendswood. This fal wil debut
the 3 day class/weekend seminar, and future offering wil alternate the 2 courses
each year.
RECIPE OF THE MONTH: My taste buds are just now returning from 3 weeks of
ginger and lemon tea, so I’ve been craving sharp pungent tastes. Thanks to
Vegetarian Times for this offering of spring veggies:
Red Cabbage Salad with Pears and Walnuts. Serves 6. This salad should be
served as soon as it is made so the cabbage retains its vibrant color.
Ingredients: 1 Tbs. plus 1/2 tsp. red wine vinegar; 1 Tbs. grape seed oil; 2 tsp.
pomegranate syrup; 1 tsp. Dijon mustard; 1/2 head red cabbage, cut in half,
cored, and very thinly sliced (4 cups); 1 Bartlett pear, cored and sliced; 1/2 cup
toasted walnut pieces; 1/3 cup thinly sliced red onion. To make pomegranate
syrup, simmer 1 cup pomegranate juice with 2 Tbs. sugar and 1 Tbs. lemon juice
over medium heat 1 hour, until thick.
Directions 1. Whisk together vinegar, oil, pomegranate syrup, and mustard in
smal bowl. Set aside.
2. Toss together cabbage, pear slices, walnuts, and red onion in serving bowl.
Add dressing, and toss to coat. Season with salt and pepper, if desired.

Yours in optimal health, naturally,
Deborah Doering Austin, DN, RN
Kamala Center for Radiant Health, PLLC
1547-A Rutland at 16th, Houston (Heights) 77008
Every relationship we have is a journey toward healing and transforming
the soul.
Share this newsletter with a friend or family member. Just forward (or redirect) this
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Comments always appreciated.


March 06 jmcp

Editorial Subjects—In This Issue and in Previous Issues affirms our intuition that (a) patients can discern among specificmeals or rosiglitazone (Avandia) 4 mg twice daily.17 The meansensory attributes of intranasal steroid products, (b) someA1c values at baseline were 9.5% in the INH group versus 9.4%attributes have higher economic value in their avoidance for the rosiglitazone group. Af

Microsoft word - 2011 abell library exhibit story

A Look Back at the First Decades of Science and Mathematics at Austin College (1910-1940) by Peggy A. Redshaw In anticipation of the new IDEA Science Center that will be completed in 2013 and the celebration of a New Century of Science at Austin College, an exhibit entitled “A Look Back at the First Decades of Science and Mathematics at Austin College (1910-1940)” opened on September 28t

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