International Conference on Metrology of Environmental, Food and Nutritional Measurements
9 – 12 September 2008, Budapest, Hungary
DEVELOPMENT OF REFERENCE MATERIAL FOR ORGANOCHLORINE PESTICIDES IN HERBAL SAMPLE Yiu-chung Wong1, Tat-ting Kam2, Serena Chan3 1 Analytical & Advisory Services Division, Government Laboratory, Hong Kong, 2 Analytical & Advisory Services Division, Government Laboratory, Hong Kong, Analytical Laboratories in Anaheim, Inc., Los Angeles, USA, Abstract: Development of reference material for four
Analytical methods for OCP are widely available IN
organochlorine pesticides, namely hexachlorobenzene and
the literature. Among all the commonly used screening and
three isomers (α-, β- and γ-) of hexachlorocyclohexane, in
quantification methodologies, GC-ECD and GC-MSD are
ginseng root sample (Panax ginseng) to ascertain the quality
the most preferred methods because the instrumentations
control and validation processes was presented. A total of
offer good degree of sensitivity and selectivity for OCP in a
more than 300 bottles each containing 25g of Panax ginseng
variety of matrices. Despite the majority of OCP test
samples was prepared and the reference values were methods that claimed having high recovery and reasonably characterised using a primary measurement method, isotope
good precision was mainly relied upon the results of spiked
dilution gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. The or fortified samples, it was found that the actual bias might concentrations (± expanded uncertainty) of always be underestimated. As reviewed by a recent survey hexachlorobenzene, α-, β- and γ-hexachlorocyclohexane in
on the measurements of residual OCP in food matrices [2],
the reference material are 0.198 ± 0.015 mg/kg, 0.450 ±
the expectable minimum of the combined relative standard
0.025 mg/kg, 0.213 ± 0.014 mg/kg and 0.370 ± 0.031 mg/kg
uncertainty was significantly in the range of 33–49%. To
respectively. A portion of the samples was also used in a
ensure the reliability of analytical data and to fully
proficiency testing (PT) scheme for assessing the testing
comprehend the deficiencies of OCP analysis, quality
capabilities of field laboratories and the consensus mean
assurance through the use of reference materials (RM) and
values from the 70 participants in the programme were
the participation of proficiency testing schemes are regarded
deviated from -2.7% to -14.1% as the assigned reference
as the crucial prerequisites in ISO17025 [3]. The usefulness
and applications of RM, either non-certified or certified RM
(CRM), in quality controls of chemical analysis have been
Keywords: reference material, organochlorine pesticides,
clearly explicated [4]. The certification processes for CRM
isotope dilution mass spectrometry, proficiency testing are tedious and the production, in terms of quantity and
variety, is often too small to satisfy laboratories’ demands.
Commercially available matrix CRM for OCP are even
severely limited [5] and such CRM in herbal matrices is
nowhere identified. The circumstances have recently been
Organochlorine pesticides (OCP) have been used discussed by the Reference Materials Committee of
extensively to control harmful pests and prevent vegetation
ISO/REMCO [6] and the uses of non-certified RM for
infections during the last century. Owing to the persistent
quality control work of analytical methods were
properties, large amount of these chemicals that released
recommended as the best alternative whenever suitable
through all kinds of anthropogenic activities led to CRM is not present. As a universal rule for all good practice
ubiquitous long-term contaminations in the environment and
laboratories, analytical techniques that are used to monitor
food chains. As a consequence, determinations of residual
the levels and fate of contaminants in the samples must be
OCP in agricultural products and food are of great calibrated using appropriate calibration materials, and the
importance for comprehensive understandings of methods must be properly validated using fit-for-purpose
contamination patterns, physiological absorption, matrix-matched RM, to ensure validity of data being
distribution, transport pathways as well as the estimation of
average daily intake in risk assessments. Since the
recognition of the adverse effects of OCP to our ecosystem,
We had recently developed a highly precise isotope
a huge quantity of accessible scientific data concerning the
dilution gas chromatography mass spectrometry (ID-GCMS)
analysis of residual OCP in various types of environmental,
method for analysing OCP in ginseng root [7] and reported
agricultural and animal samples has been reported in the
it as a method of choice for the production of RM. In view
literature. In particular, with the signing of the Stockholm
of rapid growth of herbal medicine trade and its subsequent
convention on persistent organic pollutants and frequent of
testing volume and lacking relevant CRM in laboratory
global corporation programs [1], there is an ever-increasing
testing for OCP in herbal matrices, we present the
trend for laboratories worldwide to determine OCP.
development RM for HCB, α-, β- and γ-HCH in ginseng
root sample for method validation and quality control. The
assigned reference values of the RM were determined by an
2.4. Moisture Content
accurate GC-IDMS method and the associated expanded
uncertainties were estimated from the homogeneity and
The bottles were kept in electronic desiccators at
stability testing, and the precision of the GC-IDMS method.
25°C and 50% RH. The moisture content of the sub-samples
(n = 10) was estimated by taking five bottles randomly and found to be 5.1% (RSD = 0.85%) at the time of bottling. 2. EXPERIMENTAL 2.1. Preparation of bulk sample 2.5. Preparation of Calibration Blend and Sample Blend
About 20 kg of raw radix ginseng (Panax ginseng)
Calibration blend (by spiking appropriate quantity of
that contained certain levels of targeted residual OCP were
12C6-OCP and 13C6-OCPs) and sample blend samples (by
purchased from local market. The samples were rinsed with
spiking appropriate quantity of 13C6) were respectively
distilled water to remove dirt and other foreign matters, then
prepared in accordance with the reported procedure [7]. The
were freeze-dried at about -50 °C and < 70 mT for 7 days.
concentration ratios of the natural to labelled isotopes in
The dried ginseng root was ground to coarse powder by a
both blends should be close to unity (0.9 – 1.1) in order to
domestic blender, then to fine powder by a high-speed
achieve a high degree of accuracy in the ID-GCMS
centrifugal mill (ZM200, Retsch, Germany). The powder
obtained was subject to passing through 100 µm calibrated
sieves. About 8 kg of fine powder were collected and
2.6. Instrumental conditions for ID-GCMS
transferred to a 40-litre commercial blender for thorough
mixing within a humidity- and temperature-controlled
environment (relative humidity and temperature were HP5973, Palo Alto, USA) with a 30 m x 0.25 mm, 0.25 µm respectively maintained at 50% and 20ºC). Homogeneity of
film HP-1707MS column (J & W Scientific, Folsom, USA)
the bulk was checked regularly by taking portions of sample
was used. Helium carrier gas was set at a flow-rate of 1.0
during mixing and analysing the concentrations of the OCP
mL/min, and separation of the four OCP was carried out
using a validated GC-ECD method. Satisfactory and under a temperature programme as follows: injector complete mixing was confirmed at day seventh after temperature at 200°C, column temperature at 90°C for 1 min, operation. Aliquots of about 25 g were packaged into clean
ramped to 200°C at 50°C/min and held for 6 min, then to
and nitrogen-purge amber glass bottles in a clean room
280°C at 20°C/min and held for 5 min. The transfer line and
(Class 1000) and 300 bottles were finally prepared. All
the ion source were set at 280°C, and the ionisation energy
bottled samples were disinfected by γ-ray (Gammacell-1000
under electron ionisation mode at 70 eV. Aliquots of 1 µL
Elite, MDS Nordion, Canada) at a dose of about 0.8 kGy to
were injected into the GC-MS system under splitless mode,
prevent microbial growth, then vacuum-sealed in and the analytes were respectively monitored under the polypropylene bags.
single ion monitoring mode at multiple mass channels at m/z
181, 183, 284 for 12C-OCP and 187, 189, 290 for 13C
2.2. Homogeneity Testing 3. RESULTS and DISCUSSIONS
A total of 16 randomly selected samples were
analysed in duplicate by a validated GC-ECD method and
3.1. Homogeneity and Stability Testing
the sequence of analysis (32 injections) was arranged in a
randomised order. The analysis was performed using the
Within variance (CVw) and between variance (CVb)
same instrument and completed within the shortest time as
of samples were derived from the duplicate analysis of the
possible for minimizing errors arising from instrumental
16 samples. At the 95% confidence level, the critical value
bias. Statistical approaches were applied to evaluate: A one-
is 2.352 for n = 16. Since Ftest < Fcritical, statistical significant
way ANOVA was applied to evaluate within-bottle and
difference between samples was not detected. The
between-bottle difference, hence the inhomogeneity status
uncertainty of the sample inhomogeneity (U ) was
of the samples. Samples were considered homogeneous if
the F-test values were smaller than those of the critical
2.3. Stability Testing
When CVw was equal to or greater than CVb, U
was estimated as the upper detection limit by the following
Stability testing aiming at assessing the stability of
equation, where n is the number of replicate and df is the
residual OCPs of randomly selected samples was performed
at 25ºC for twelve months (Jan 2006 to Jan 2007). Samples
were considered statistically stable if the mean in each
standard deviation of the mean value of the OCP obtained
As shown in Table 1, the uncertainty arising from
sample inhomogeneity was ranging from 0.46% to 2.8%. Table 1. Inhomogeneity of 16 randomly selected samples
are in good agreements to our previous study. The
measurement uncertainty of OCP obtained by IDMS were
significantly better than those by conventional GC-ECD and
HCB 2.252 3.8 2.5 2.8 GC-MS methods which could be as high as 50% in the
concentration range of 0.01 – 10 mg/kg. As shown in Fig. 1,
0.800 1.6 1.8 1.1 all the error components were below 3%; and similar to
1.042 3.1 3.0 0.46 other IDMS studies, RB and RBC were amongst the major
0.492 2.1 3.0 1.8 contribution. Furthermore, the overall bias of the method
was assessed with an animal feed reference material (CRM
Stability testing indicated that all the four OCP were
BCR 115) with less than 2% deviation from the certified
stable at both 25°C and 37ºC over the 12-month study
period. Deviations of OCP from the mean values obtained
Figure 1. Distribution of error components in the IDMS method
by homogeneity testing at were ranging from 0.1 to 7.5% at 25°C and from 0.1 to 13.5% at 37°C respectively. The RSDs (U ) of OCP at 25°C were the uncertainty component of
stability testing for the reference material. Table 2. Stability of OCP at 25°C and 37°C
3.2. Results of ID-GCMS
IDMS is recognised as a primary method for
chemical analysis and hence an ideal method used for 3.3. Performance of PT assigning reference values by RM producers [8]. Apart from
A portion of the samples was used in operating a PT
being a high accurate technique, IDMS also offers a programme for assessing the competence of routine OCP
provision of well definable uncertainty values, in which the
testing methods amongst participating laboratories [9]. The
overall uncertainty could be conveniently derived. As shown
consensus means obtained from the 70 participants using
in equation 1, the uncertainty of the reference values (Cx)
robust statistics were found to be 0.170 ± 0.095 mg/kg for
HCB; 0.393 ± 0.188 mg/kg for α-HCH; 0.219 ± 0.103
mg/kg β-HCH and 0.339 ± 0.149 mg/kg for γ-HCH
z) and the bias of isotope ratios in the
respectively. The consensus values were in the same order
but deviated from -2.7% to -14.1% when compared with the
IDMS values. Generally, the performance of most pesticide
PT programmes was found to be not impressive [10] and it
In this experiment, three independent determinations
also happened in the present programme. The wide
each comprising of duplicate analysis of five samples were
distribution of the OCP results, with RSD ranging from 44%
performed from February to May 2007. Using bracketing
to 56%, indicated the difficulties and significant uncertainty
technique, analyses were arranged by interspersing a in the determination of incurred OCP in herbal matrices calibration blend between each sample blend and the from participants. Hence, the RM prepared could serve as an respective ratios, ie. R
essential source for identifying the bias and improving the
quality control of OCP determinations. Due to the
(ranging from 0.96 to 1.05). Mean concentration (± SD) of
unsatisfactory results from testing laboratories in the PT
15 samples for HCB was 0.198 ± 0.004 mg/kg; α-HCH was
programme, the results were considered not suitable to be
0.450 ± 0.008 mg/kg; β-HCH was 0.213 ± 0.004 mg/kg and
included in the calculation of reference values.
γ-HCH was 0.370 ± 0.012 mg/kg respectively. The inter-day
variations of the OCP were ranging from 1.7 to 3.2%
indicating that the characterisation using the described 3.4. Uncertainty ofAssigned Reference
Three main contributors, ie. homogeneity and
stability of the materials and the measurements using ID-
The relative expanded uncertainties at a coverage
GCMS technique, to the uncertainty of the reference values
factor (k) of 2 were estimated as the square root of the sum
were combined to estimate the relative expanded uncertainty
of square of all error components that stated in equation (3)
(U) at a coverage factor (k) of 2 as follows:
and found to be 5.0% for HCB, 4.4% for α-HCH, 4.9% for
β-HCH and 7.8% for γ-HCH respectively. The estimations
S. Chan, M.F. Kong, Y.C. Wong, S.K. Wong and D.W.M.
Sin, “Isotope Dilution Gas Chromatography-Mass
Accordingly, the relative expanded uncertainty of the
Spectrometry Analysis of Organochlorine Pesticide Residues in Ginseng Root,” J. Agric. Food Chem., Vol. 55,
four OCP in the reference material was ranging from 5.6 %
T. Yarita, A. Takatsu, K. Inagaki, M. Numata, K. Chiba and
K. Okamoto, “Matrix certified reference materials for
Table 3. Expanded Uncertainty of the Reference Material
environmental monitoring from the National Metrology
Institute of Japan (NMIJ),” Accred. Qual. Assur., Vol. 12,
M.K. Kong, S. Chan, Y.C. Wong, S.K. Wong and W.M. Sin, “Inter-laboratory comparison for the determination of
five residual organochlorine pesticides in ginseng root
sample,” J. AOAC. Int., Vol. 90, pp. 1133-1141, 2007.
[10] H.Z. Şenyuva and J. Gilbert, “Assessment of the
An RM for four OCP in ginseng root sample was
performance of pesticide-testing laboratories world-wide
developed. The characterisation for the reference values was
through proficiency testing, ” Trends Anal. Chem.,Vol. 25,
determined by an accurate ID-GCMS technique while the
homogeneity and stability of the samples were confirmed
satisfactory. The relative expanded uncertainty of the reference values was estimated from all three components and found to be within 9%. The product was considered as a good alternative to use for method validation processes for residual OCP analysis in herbal matrices in the absence of any available CRM today. ACKNOWLEDMENTS
The authors wish to express sincere thanks to Dr. T.L.
Ting, Government Chemist of the Government Laboratory of HKSAR for his support and encouragement during the course of study. REFERENCES [1]
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2012 EZ INVITATIONAL 1315AG FIGURE RESULTS HAMDEN CONNECTICUT MARCH 24-25, 2012 Created 03-26-2012 at 21:19 Using 2009 U. S. RULES *** FINAL FINISH ORDER - FIGURES *** PLACE NAME CLUB SCORE 50% DRAW 1. Jessica Alvarado ANA Synchro 61.022 30.511 8 2. Monica Alvarado ANA Synchro 60.337 30.169 9 3. Katie Farrell New Canaan Y Aquianas 59.734 29.867 20 4. Teresa Salamone New Canaan Y Aquianas 58.026 2