Es ist nicht klar, wie groß die Rolle von Antibiotika in den Wettbewerbsbeziehungen zwischen Mikroorganismen unter natürlichen Bedingungen ist. Zelman vaxman glaubte, dass diese Rolle minimal ist, Antibiotika werden nicht anders als in reinen Kulturen auf reichen Umgebungen gebildet. Anschließend wurde jedoch festgestellt, dass bei vielen Produzenten die Aktivität der antibiotikasynthese in Gegenwart anderer Arten oder spezifischer Produkte Ihres Stoffwechsels zunimmt.

Microsoft word - 18 aide effects detailed information.doc

ARV treatment Fact Sheet 06
Side effects: Detailed information

Bloating, wind and stomach pains
What is it?
What is it?
(wind) develops in the gut. This causes: move too quickly, resulting in diarrhoea Which ARVs
can cause it?
Which ARVs
can cause it?
taking a drug such as Nelfinavir. Some opportunistic infections or HIV itself can Stomach pains: Zidovudine, protease
What should
What should
a person do?
a person do?
prevent or
reduce these
prevent or
reduce these
Dry mouth or change in taste
Nausea, vomiting
What is it?
What is it?
protect teeth from decay. A bad taste in Which ARVs
Which ARVs
can cause it?
can cause it?
production of saliva. This increases the What should
a person do?
change a person’s ability to taste and What should
a person do?
prevent or
reduce these
prevent or
reduce these
Loss of appetite
What is it?
Which ARVs
can cause it?
What should
a person do?
the loss of appetite might be due to the drugs that the person is taking prevent or
reduce these
Hepatic (liver) problems
antispasmodic drug such as Buscopan and a pain-killer, usually What is it?
prevent or
reduce these
Which ARVs
can cause it?
The function of the liver is also affected What should
a person do?
Lactic acidosis
start of treatment and at the same time as checking the CD4 count. What is it?
A serious disorder of the blood. Effects doctor may decide to halt a treatment and prescribe another. Which ARVs
can cause it?
Healthy eating and drinking is essential prevent or
reduce these
What should
effects? it?
a person do?
when taking ARVs unless the doctor has said it is alright Kidney stones
What is it?
Which ARVs
prevent or
can cause it?
reduce these
What should
a person do?
Muscle pains and weakness
What is it?
What is it?
which is important for digesting fats and Which ARVs
can cause it?
What should
a person do?
often, along with tiredness, breathlessness or stomach pains, Which ARVs
can cause it?
What should
a person do?
prevent or
reduce these
infected. If there is risk of infection, Peripheral Neuropathy
What is it?
prevent or
reduce these
abnormal sensations or pain in the feet, effects?
Lipodystrophy or lipoatrophy
Which ARVs
can cause it?
What is it?
itself, or dietary deficiencies, can cause Which ARVs
What should
can cause it?
protease inhibitors: Indinavir, Nelfinavir, a person do?
Loss of fat: is mainly due to nucleosides What should
a person do?
prevent or
prevent or
reduce these
reduce these
What is it?
Difficulty falling asleep, or waking in the night and failing to go back to sleep What is it?
This is a general feeling of lack of energy that can occur even after a long Which ARVs
can cause it?
feeling ‘drained’ during the day. It can Which ARVs
can cause it?
at the start of treatment. It takes about a treatment that is well tolerated, it is What should
What should
a person do?
a person do?
prevent or
prevent or
reduce these
reduce these
Sexual problems
What is it?
Loss of sexual desire. Failure to achieve or maintain an erection for men Which ARVs
can cause it?
There might also be other causes. These include: tiredness, stress, depression, alcohol, smoking and drug use. What should
a person do?
prevent or
reduce these
Dark blotches, purplish marks, spots,
Other skin, hair or nail problems
allergic rashes on the skin
What is it?
What is it?
which can appear some time after starting ARV treatment Which ARVs
can cause it?
Which ARVs
can cause it?
What should
a person do?
problem can be the result of many other cause as well as HIV or ARV What should
a person do?
might also be caused by the HIV virus itself, or other factors. prevent or
reduce these
are no negative reactions, the doctor will increase the dose to two Reference: Much of the information in this fact sheet is " Mieux Vivre Avec Son Traitement Anti-VIH ", published by prevent or
The publication can be found at the following website: reduce these
A shorter description of ARV side effects and how people taking ARV treatment can deal with them can be found on


Media release Women can now get treatment for urinary tract infections directly from trained pharmacists Auckland, 26 November 2012 – (NZX: PHB) In a New Zealand first, women will be able to receive best practice treatment for urinary tract infections (often referred to as UTI, bladder infection or cystitis) directly from trained pharmacists from today. The service is now avail

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