Es ist nicht klar, wie groß die Rolle von Antibiotika in den Wettbewerbsbeziehungen zwischen Mikroorganismen unter natürlichen Bedingungen ist. Zelman vaxman glaubte, dass diese Rolle minimal ist, Antibiotika werden nicht anders als in reinen Kulturen auf reichen Umgebungen gebildet. Anschließend wurde jedoch festgestellt, dass bei vielen Produzenten die Aktivität der antibiotikasynthese in Gegenwart anderer Arten oder spezifischer Produkte Ihres Stoffwechsels zunimmt.

Europso poster_2003_85x130


Salonen S-H on behalf of the EUROPSO Patient Survey Study Group
EUROPSO, Helsinki, Finland
respondents with psoriasis see a dermatologist The fact that therapy is time-consuming was Psoriasis can have a profound impact on a reported by 50% of respondents as the mosttroublesome aspect of treatment, followed by person’s quality of life, particularly if it is respondents diagnosed with psoriatic arthritis ineffectiveness (32%). A higher proportion of extensive, affects a visible or sensitive area, or respondents with severe psoriasis reported side is difficult to treat. To explore the impact of PSORIASIS TREATMENT AND
effects to be a problem of treatment than those psoriasis on the quality of life of European with mild psoriasis (31% vs 23%, respectively) patients and to learn about patients’ perceptions SATISFACTION
(Figure 3). Respondents with psoriatic arthritis Forty percent of respondents were currently Federation of Psoriasis Patient Organisations) using some form of prescription medication. Of troublesome aspect of treatment. Forty percent has conducted a large-scale postal survey of the these, approximately 40% were using a topical of all respondents, and 41% with severe psoriasis members of nine European patient associations.
treatment (e.g. vitamin D analogue, steroids or were not currently using any prescription coal tar) and approximately 20% a systemic treatment. A large number respondents were treatment. 13% were currently using some form currently using some form of “alternative” A total of 50,500 survey questionnaires were treatment, with 37% currently using an OTC directly mailed to the members of participating medication or treatments such as diet, herbs, psoriasis patient organisations or distributed acupuncture relaxation techniques or baths, and via participating dermatologists in Belgium, Figure 1. Use of prescription
8.4% were currently using some form of thermal Czech Republic, Finland, France, Germany, Italy medications
and The Netherlands between March and April2002. The response cut-off date was August 16 PRESCRIPTION MEDICATIONS
Figure 3. Problems associated with
The questionnaire design was developed in collaboration with the National Psoriasis Foundation (NPF) of the United States, following the design of recent questionnaires to enable comparisons of the results. The self-administered questionnaire included sections on type of psoriasis, self-reported severity, symptoms, Fumarates
opical ster
history and current use of psoriasis treatments, Ineffective Expensive
as well as a validated psoriasis quality of life consuming
scale, the Psoriasis Disability Index (PDI).
Respondents provided their perceptions ongeneral satisfaction with the treatment of their CONCLUSIONS
psoriasis or psoriatic arthritis, as well as satisfaction with prescription treatments using • This survey is the largest survey of people A total of 18,386 responses were received, a 1 to 10 scale, with 1 being “very unsatisfied” representing an overall response rate of 36.4%.
and 10 “very satisfied”. Overall, approximately responses from 7 European countries.
Of all respondents 17,990 stated they had • The results of this survey appear to be psoriasis, 49.1% were male and 50.9% female.
expressed low or only moderate satisfaction The majority (97%) were of Caucasian race and with psoriasis treatment (score of 1-7), with conducted amongst people with psoriasis.
had completed some further education (57%).
27% expressing high satisfaction (score of 8-10) • 17,990 respondents had psoriasis, with 30% The mean age of onset of psoriasis was 30.5 of respondents having been diagnosed with years, with a mean duration of 23 years. Three- quarters (75%) of patients had chronic plaque Figure 2. Satisfaction with psoriasis
• Satisfaction with current treatments is low, treatment
and many respondents consideredtreatment to be time-consuming and/or The severity of psoriasis was self-reported, with PATIENT SATISFACTION
respondents equating the area of a palm to How satisfied have you been concerning the treatment for your psoriasis? • 21% of respondents are not currently seeing represent 1% body surface area. Overall, 9% of a healthcare professional for their psoriasis.
respondents reported little involvement of psoriasis, 32% reported mild psoriasis (1-2% of Further analysis of the results of this survey the body covered), 42% moderate psoriasis (3- 10% covered), and 17% severe psoriasis with patients’ perspectives on the psychosocial more than 10% of the body covered. Therefore, impact of psoriasis and the effectiveness of 59% of respondents could be classified with Moderate
moderate-to-severe psoriasis. Severity did notappear to be strongly related to either age of onset, duration of psoriasis or gender. Thirty prescription treatments, higher satisfaction EUROPSO is a federation of psoriasis patient
percent of respondents stated that they had (score of 8-10) was expressed for the systemic associations in Europe. It aims to raise awareness of been diagnosed with psoriatic arthritis by a therapies methotrexate (30%), cyclosprine (28%) psoriasis and achieve equal opportunities for psoriasis and fumarates (26%), as well as PUVA treatment patients in all European countries through active supportof its member associations.
A total of 21% of respondents stated that they (38%). Lower satisfaction (score of 1-4) was were not currently consulting a healthcare expressed for tazarotene and etretinate (42% EUROPSO would like to thank Biogen for an
professional. Of those seeking care, 58% of unrestricted educational grant in support of this survey.


Patient name _______________________________________ date __________

PATIENT NAME _______________________________________ DATE __________ Primary reason for this dental appointment Examination Emergency Consultation Do you have a specific dental problem?______________________________________________________ Do you have dental examinations on a routine basis? Last visit____________________________________ Do you think you have active decay or gum d

february 2008

Bergen CFS-FM Support Group Newsletter Meeting Report The February meeting found our group at another location. This one was held at Panera Bread in the Kohl’s shopping plaza in Paramus. We welcomed several new members and a few supportive relatives/friends. This meeting was a sharing session. Each attendee had the chance to briefly tell his/her story. Everyone’s journey with CFS/FM is

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