LOOKING INTO THE FUTURE - THE FUTURE INDICATIVE ACTIVE 10.1 Similarity with English usage There is a close correspondence between the way in which the Future Tense is used in both Latin and English. Its general purpose is to indicate what is going to happen but it can also indicate someone’s will or intention regarding future events. Thus ‘I will go’ can be interpreted as a bald statement of fact or an insight into the mind of the speaker. 10.2 THE FUTURE INDICATIVE ACTIVE 1st Conjugation 2nd Conjugation laudabo - I will praise etc laudabimus videbo - I will see etc videbimus laudabis laudabitis videbis videbitis laudabit laudabunt videbit videbunt 3rd Conjugation 4th Conjugation benedicam - I will bless etc benedicemus audiam - I will hear etc audiemus benedices benedicetis audies audietis benedicet benedicent audiet audient ero - I will be etc erimus eris eritis erit erunt
. Some parts of the Mass begin with the Future Tense, and are easily recognisable e.g. ibo ad altare Dei - bo inter innocentes manus meas - es me, Domine. - Reading PracticeVocabulary possideo, -ere, possedi, possessum (2) - to possess
transeo, transire,transivi, transitum (4) - to pass away
condemno, -are, -avi, -atum (1) - to condemn
sitio, -ire, -ivi, -itum (4) - to thirst
sustineo, -ere, -tinui, -tentum (2) - to sustain
semino, -are, -avi, -atum (1) - to sow
contemno, -ere, -tempsi, -temptum (3) - to despise
obumbro, -are, -avi -atum (1) - to overshadow
peto, -ere, -ivi, -itum (3) - to ask
tento, -are, -avi, -tum (1) - to tempt
I shall show forth Thy truth with my mouth
sapientiam sapientium, et prudentiam
I will destroy the wisdom of the wise, and the prudence
Nemo potest duobus hominibus servire : aut enim
No man can serve two masters : either he
erunt novissimi primi, et primi novissimibenedictionibus, de benedictionibus et Exercise 1 Translate these sentences : Populus Sion, ecce Dominus veniet Deus meus, sperabo in eum BenedicamDominum Gratias (The favours) Domini in aeternum cantabo Omnis qui bibet ex aqua hac sitiet iterum : qui autem bibet ex aqua quam Ego dabo ei, non sitiet in aeternum Exercise 2 Fill in the blanks using one of the following words :
2. Beati mundo corde : quoniam ipsi Deum _________
3. Si quis diligit me, sermonem meum ______
7. per omnes generationes _________ fidelitatem
8. __________ , et _________ cor vestraVocabulary fluo, -ere, fluxi, fluxum (3) - to flow
ambulo, -are, -avi, -atum (1) - to walk
arguo, -ere, -ui, argutum (3) - to censure
conflo. -are, -avi, -atum (1) - to forge
exerceo, -ere, -ui, -itum (2) - to exercise, practise
praevaleo, -ere, -ui (2) - to be physically strong, to prevail by forceadversus - against
Learn the Future Tense of the Verb eo, ire, ivi, itum - to go :
ibo - I will go etc. ibimus ibis ibitis ibit ibunt
and look out for Prepositions which can be placed in front of this Verb to form compounds such as :
Reading Practice Now read throughthis well-known extract from Isaiah II, 2-5, paying special attention to the Verbs (underlined) in the Future Indicative Active : In diebus illis dixit Isaias Propheta : In those days the Prophet Isaiah said : In the lastnovissimis diebus preparatus mons domus Dominidays the mountain of the house of the Lord shall bein vertice montium, et elevabitur super colles, etprepared on the top of mountains, and it shall beexalted above the hills, and all nations shall flow dicent : Venite et ascendamus ad montem Dominiunto it. And many people shall go, and say : Comeand let us go up to the mountain of the Lord, andambulabimus in semitis ejus : quia de Sion to the house of the God of Jacob, and He will teachus His ways, and we will walk in His paths : forlex, et verbum Domini de Jerusalem. Et j the law shall come forth from Sion, and the wordof the Lord from Jerusalem. And He shall judgegladios suos in vomeres, et lanceas suas in falces.the Gentiles and rebuke many people : and theylevabit gens contra gentem gladium : necshall turn their swords into ploughshares, andexercebuntur ultra ad proelium. Domus Jacobtheir spears into sickles. Nation shall not lift upvenite, et ambulemus in lumine Domini Dei nostri.sword against nation : neither shall they beexercised any more to war. O house of Jacob, comeye, and let us walk in the light of the Lord our GodExercise 3 Quid manducabimus, aut quid bibemus?
3. To whom did Jesus address these words?
5. What did the Angel Gabriel say to Mary?
concipies in utero et paries filium, et vocabis nomenejus Jesum
6. To which disciples did Jesus address these words?
Calicem quidem (indeed) meum bibetis
7. What is the reward of the faithful disciple?
8. What did Jesus promise to the faithful disciple?
ego resuscitabo eum in novissimo die
9. Shortly before receiving Communion, the Priest genuflects, and takes the Sacred Host in his hands. Then what does he say?
Panem coelestem accipiam, et nomen Domini invocabo10.3 Use of the Future Tense to give commands The Future Tense can be used to convey a sense of authority in the person issuing an order as we find, for example, in the Ten Commandments with their ‘Thou shalt not’ sequence . First learn the additional vocabulary and then study the following extract from Rom. XIII, 9-10 : adultero, -are, -avi, -atum (1) - to commit adultery
occido, -ere, -idi, -isum (3) - to kill
furor, -ari, furatus sum (1) - to steal
concupisco, -ere, -ivi, -itum (3) - to covet
adultera bis. Non es. Non fura beris. Non falsum testimonium dic es. Non es
This also applies to positive commands as in
es proximum tuum sicut teipsum -
thou shalt adore the Lord thy God, and Him only shalt thou serve
Vocabulary illumino, -are, -avi, -atum (1) - to enlighten
concipio, concipere, concepi, conceptum (3) - to conceive
floreo, -ere, -ui (2) - to flourish
pario, parere, peperi, partum (3) - to give birth
Exercise 4 Fill in the blanks with the correct word :
1. Dominus noster cum virtute _________ , et
3. ________ radix Jesse, et qui ______ regere
5. Ecce virgo ______ et _____ filium
6. _________ eum omnes reges terrae : omnes
7. qui amat animam suam_______ eam
shall serve Himhe that loveth his own life
Exercise 5
Read through this extract from Psalm 110 which begins Qui habitat in adjutorio Altissimi (He thatdwelleth in the aid of the Most High). Underline all the Verbs in the Future Tense:
Dicet Domino : Susceptor meus es tu, et refugium
He shall say to the Lord : Thou art my protector and
meum : Deus meus, sperabo in eum.Scapulis suis
my refuge : my God, in Him will I trust.He will
obumbrabit tibi, et sub pennis ejus sperabis. Scuto
overshadow thee with His shoulders, and under His
circumdabit te veritas ejus : non timebis a timore
wings thou shalt trust. His truth shall encompass thee
nocturno.Cadent a latere tuo mille, et decem millia
with a shield : thou shalt not be afraid of the terror of
a dextris tuis : tibi autem non appropinquabit.
the night.A thousand shall fall at thy side, and ten
Quoniam Angelis suis mandavit de te, ut custodiant
thousand at thy right hand : but it shall not come nigh
te in omnibus viis tuis. In manibus portabunt te,
thee. For He hath given His angels charge over thee, to
ne umquam offendas ad lapidem pedem tuum. Super
keep thee in all thy ways. In their hands they shall bear
aspidem et basiliscum ambulabis, et conculcabis
thee up, lest thou dash thy foot against a stone. Thous
leonem et draconem. Quoniam in me speravit,
shalt walk upon the asp and the basilisk, and thou
liberabo eum : protegam eum, quoniam cognovit
shalt trample under foot the lion and the dragon. nomen meum. Invocabit me, et ego exaudiam eum :
Because he hoped in Me I will deliver him : I will
cum ipso sum in tribulatione. Eripiam eum, et
protect him because He hath known My Name : he
glorificabo eum: longitudine dierum adimplebo eum,
shall cry to me and I shall hear him : I am with him in
tribulation. I will deliver him, and I will glorify him :I will fill him with length of days, and I will showhim My salvation. Vocabulary requiro, -ere, -quisivi, -quisitum (3) - to seek
accubo, -are, -avi, -atum (1) - to lie down
pereo, -ire, -ivi, -itum (4) - to be lost, perish
alligo, -are, -avi, -atum (1) - to bind
Reading Practice Haec dicit Dominus Deus : Ecce ego ipse
will visit them. As the shepherd visiteth his flock
gregem suum in die, quando fuerit in medio ovium
in the day when he shall be in the midst of his sheep that were
will gather them out of the countries and
them in the most fruitful pastures, and their
shall be in the high mountains of Israel : there
requiescent in herbis virentibus.Ego
cause them to lie down, saith the Lord God.
which was lost, and that which was driven away
that which was weak; and that which was fat and
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