of the European Society for Animal Cell Technology
The 20th ESACT Meeting is approaching rapidly!
meeting is raising a lot of interest, also with
I respect to new membership. May I just for
this reason welcome most warmly all the new
completed and is available on the internet
members who will receive this Newsletter for the
Apart from five prominent keynote speakers and
We - the "old" members are well aware that one
ten invited speakers, approximately 35 oral
strong motivation for you, the newcomers, to join
contributions from submitted abstracts will be
our society was the sharply discounted entry fee
made. They were chosen by the Scientific
for the most exciting cell culture technology
Committee from all the submitted abstracts.
meeting ahead of us. Dresden-ESACT, under the
The trade exhibition – the largest and best known
leadership of Dr. Hansjörg Hauser has assembled
of its kind – again forms an integral part of this
a program of top scientific quality, combined with
ESACT meeting and promotes and underlines the
a spectacular venue in one of the most attractive
interaction among academic and industrial
scientists. As in previous meetings, posters and
I hope, however, that newcomers will be also a
coffee breaks will be part of the trade exhibition,
source of rejuvenation of ESACT and will provide
providing excellent possibilities to interact.
us with new ideas, both scientifically, but also
with respect to the way how we try to keep
ESACT on top of the needs and trends in animal cell culture technology. To make this quite clear to everybody: The work we - the members of the
Executive Committee of ESACT - do, is not remunerated and we need new members of the
ESACT community to eventually join in this
effort. So again to the Newcomers - please fully
Election of the Executive Committee 2007-2009 2
enjoy the upcoming meeting in Dresden, but also try to find out what you can do for ESACT (!),
Contributions should be sent to eletter esact.org
The European Society for Animal Cell Technolgy
E u r o p e a n S o c i e t y f o r A n i m a l C e l l T e c h n o l o g y
Meanwhile, an area of 800 m2 has been allocated
Registrations are still possible. Registration fee
to 74 exhibitors. Nevertheless, companies wishing
(for ESACT members: 880 Euro) includes the
to participate and be represented in the trade
book of abstracts, a list of participants, a copy of
exhibition are encouraged to contact the meeting
the Meeting Proceedings (to be distributed in early
organizer. The conference center offers further
2008), beverages during the coffee breaks,
lunches from Monday-Wednesday, an excursion on Tuesday (June 19) and access to the conference
A general assembly will be organized as in every
dinner (ESACT Party) on Wednesday (June 20).
meeting. It will take place at the conference center in Dresden during lunch time on Tuesday, June
We are looking forward to an exciting and
stimulating meeting and are inviting you wholeheartedly to join us at ESACT 2007 in
The 2nd JIN Fair, a career consultancy forum
directed towards students and recent graduates of the Animal Cell Technology field will also take
On behalf of the Organizing, Scientific and
place, organized by ESACT and run by the
Consulting Firm Kleen Linnebo & Partner.
Election of the Executive Committee 2007-2009
Online Election Who can vote ?
his year ESACT has implemented an online
All ESACT members who had a paid membership for
electronic voting system for the Executive
2007 on April 30 (including honorary members) and
T Committee elections. The feedback we have who have a correct and valid email in our records.
received so far shows that the majority of our members
If you belong to this category and have not received
your voting code in the beginning of May, please
The electronic voting system we are using guarantees
contact us (admin esact.org), so that we check why
anonymity. There is no way whatsoever for anybody
(including the election administrators) to know who has voted for whom.
How can I vote ?
As the new system is very easy to use (compared to the
The complete instructions are detailed in the email you
old partially paper-based system), we hope that
have received in May. This email is important because
members’ participation in the election process will
it contains your registration code which is absolutely
unique and can not be generated again. So if you are planning to vote when you will be in Dresden, after you have met the candidates, please be sure to bring your code with you.
E u r o p e a n S o c i e t y f o r A n i m a l C e l l T e c h n o l o g y
I was given grants, presented my work through posters
and talks and now my own students are attending the
and enter your code in the blank field. And fill in your
ESACT meetings. I was involved in the organization
of the poster award in the Granada and Harrogate
From there you can also give your feedback
concerning the election process and this is anonymous
In Harrogate (2005) I was elected member of the
ESACT Executive Commite; since then I’ve been
trying to serve the Animal Cell Technology Community and, in particular, to represent the ESACT
members and their wishes. Since I have enjoyed this
(Appointed by the current Executive Committee)
work I would like to continue and thus I am proposing myself as a candidate for the elections to the ESACT
Chairman: Florian M. Wurm
Committee that will be elected during the General
Vice-Chairman: Martin Fussenegger Dana Andersen Treasurer: Alain Bernard
Dana Andersen is the Director of Early Stage Bioprocess Development at Genentech. He currently
leads the departments responsible for developing the
Secretary: Stefanos Grammatikos
cell culture and purification processes for recombinant human therapeutic proteins and antibodies to support
Research and early stage clinical development, and has over 11 years of experience at Genentech, primarily in
Prior to joining Genentech, he performed post-doctoral
research in the laboratory of J. Bailey at the ETH in Zürich and completed his Ph.D. work at Stanford
Paula M. Alves
University, investigating the effects of cell culture factors on glycosylation in recombinant CHO cells.
Born in 1967, Lisbon, Portugal. Received her B.Sc. in
He is originally from Colorado and received his B.S. in
chemical engineering from the University of Colorado
Universidade do Lisboa (FCUL) in 1991 and her Ph.D.
in Biochemistry at the Instituto de Tecnologia Química
Motivation Statement
e Biológica, Universidade Nova de Lisboa in 2001. Group leader (2002-…) and Head of the Animal Cell
I have greatly enjoyed and appreciated attending and
Biotechnology Laboratory of IBET (2007-…),
participating in numerous ESACT meetings and
believe that this organization plays an important role in
mammalian cell lines, primary cultures, co-cultures
the advancement of the cell culture field. As a co-
and immortalised cells as applied in brain cell culture
organizer of the upcoming 2010 Cell Culture
models, viral assembly, cell differentiation and
Engineering meeting and the current chairman of the
handling for regenerative medicine as well as
American Chemical Society Division of Biochemical
integration of bioreaction and downstream integration
Technology’s Executive Committee, I hope to bring
for biopharmaceuticals and vaccine development. Over
perspective from these other parts of the cell culture
fifty publications in refereed journals.
community and to provide input to be sure that these organizations are complementary and aligned in
Motivation Statement
serving the interests of the global cell culture
Throughout the years since I started my Ph.D. work I
community. I also believe that is critical to maintain
have benefited enormously from ESACT's activities.
strong, scientifically-driven meetings such as ESACT
Attending meetings since 1991 (Brighton), I was kept
provides, and will work to be sure that these meetings
abreast of the newer developments in more mature
and this organization play a key role in the
areas at the same time as being given the opportunity
development of the next generation of leaders in this
to look out of the frame into areas of new opportunity,
E u r o p e a n S o c i e t y f o r A n i m a l C e l l T e c h n o l o g y John Bonham-Carter Motivation Statement
After two media businesses in Montpellier, France,
By serving on the Executive Committee I would be in
and in London, I joined Adaptive Biosystems. I
an excellent position to build bridges to the North
became sales director with facility design & build
American community in both Cell Culture and
company WH Promation, before starting my own
vaccines. This would further help to strengthen the
company Magellan Instruments (UK & SE). In
excellent conferences organized by ESACT. It would
addition, I now work as European Sales Director for
also help the Cell Culture community to act together
internationally on issues of importance to our profession. My experience with organizing Cell
Current activities: IChemE/BESG committee member;
Culture Engineering twice and as Chair of Engineering
ESACT 2009 conference; Nordic Bioprocess Network
Conferences Foundation will help me to be an
(NbiNet); previous co-organiser of conferences SCI
Monitoring 2000, M3C 2002 and ESACT 2005.
Motivation Statement Francesc Gòdia
I aim to improve ESACT and the conference for all members. I will improve the conference back-office
Professor of Chemical Engineering at Universitat
organisation to help with the burden on the conference
Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain. Research activity
committee and reduce the financial risk to the society
focused on the field of Biotechnology and Biochemical
(both are serious issues in my view). I will improve
Engineering, and more specifically in the culture of
the finances of ESACT, with a goal of doubling the
mammalian cells for the production of proteins with
number of bursaries in 2009 from 2007. I will work to
interest in diagnostic and therapy of diseases, and the
increase the number of other benefits to members such
cellular, metabolic and tissue engineering. Work in the
development of industrial fermentation processes, immobilized biocatalysts, bioreactor design, and the
development of biological life support systems for
Barry C. Buckland
long term manned missions in Space. Co-founder of the spin-off company HEXASCREEN Culture
PhD in Biochemical Engineering at University College
Technologies, focused on the development of a
London obtained in 1974. Joined the Merck Research
laboratories (Rahway, NJ, USA) in 1980 and built a
world class Bioprocess R&D group. Current position is Research Vice President of Bioprocess R&D.
Became interested to contibute to ESACT since
Leader of process development of all biologically
attending his first ESACT meeting in 1992. Served on
made product candidates within the MRL pipeline and
the ESACT Executive Committee for several years,
manufacture of Clinical Supplies during the past 20
and as Chairman of the 18th ESACT Meeting held in
years. Products developed within this timeline include
President of the Spanish Society for Biotecnology
from 2002 to 2006. Member of the Executive Board of
the European Federation of Biotechnology since 2005.
ZOSTAVAX® (shingles vaccine) and GARDASIL® (HPV vaccine).
Motivation Statement
External awards and appointments include being
I have enjoyed working for ESACT during a number
elected to the National Academy of Engineering in
of years, including organising General Meetings
1997 and Fellow of University College London in
(Granada 2003), and I would like to keep contributing
1998. Chaired two International Conferences on Cell
to and increasing the activities of our Society.
Culture (Cell Culture Engineering IV and Cell Culture
Particularly, in addition to the support I could provide
Engineering V) and co-chaired the first three
to future meetings organisers, I would like to explore
International Conferences on Metabolic Engineering.
the organisation of training activities on Animal Cell
Co-Chaired the first International conference on
Vaccine Technology (2006). Author or co-author of over 70 papers. Visiting Professor at University College London.
E u r o p e a n S o c i e t y f o r A n i m a l C e l l T e c h n o l o g y Hansjoerg Hauser
as involved in technical development of biologics from the Roche pipeline and of in-licensed product
Head of the Division Molecular Biotechnology at the
candidates. I have been active in the organization of
Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research (formerly
several ESACT, CCE and JAACT conferences and
GBF) in Braunschweig, Germany. Graduated from the
served as Roche representative to the Animal Cell
University of Stuttgart-Hohenheim and the University
of Konstanz. Doctoral degree received form the University of Konstanz in 1977. Worked as a Post-Doc
Specific areas of technical expertise include:
at the Max Planck Institute for Molecular Genetics,
Baculovirus expression system, hydrodynamic stress,
Berlin and at the German Cancer Centre, Heidelberg.
metabolic flux analysis, on-line process monitoring
In 1981 H. Hauser became Research Associate at the
and control, and large-scale transient transfection.
GBF. In 1982 he received an EMBO fellowship to
Motivation Statement
work at the MRC-Institute in Mill Hill/London. In 1986 he started the research group "Genetics of
My motivation to join the ESACT Executive
Eukaryotes“. Since 1994 he is head of the department
Committee is to help run and strenghten this
for "Gene Regulation and Differentiation" and holds
organization that has been invaluable to my work in
his position as head of the Molecular Biotechnology
the cell culture field and has provided for a network of
Division since 1995. Teaches at the University of
Oldenburg and at the Medical University of Hannover.
Further, he is a visiting professor at the University of Lisbon and acts as a Scientific Advisor for several
Hansjörg Hauser’s expertise is in molecular biology with emphasis on gene regulation in mammalian cells. His interests include gene regulation in the interferon
Cell Technology for Cell Products
transcription activation and signal transduction that
mediate consequences of infections, and translational
research concerning gene expression in biotechnology
and gene/cell therapies. He has published more that
150 papers and appears as inventor in a series of patents. Coordinator for several projects funded by
Motivation Statement
highlight the novel capabilities of the industry to move the products towards the clinic
Through membersip in the ESACT Executive
and was attended by a wide range of workers in the
Committee I wish to contribute to ESACT matters
industry and for many it was their first ESACT
with particular focus on the scentific orientation of the
meeting. The meeting was started with a session on
Society, organisational issues and advice for future
Transcription to Secretion with a notable set of
presentations on the emerging issues. The other
sessions that followed Therapeutic Cell Engineering, Gene Medicine, Cells to Tissue, Protein products and
Georg Schmid
Process Technology guided the delegates through the
Having earned my Master's degree in Chemical
Enginering at Universities of Karlsruhe and Leeds I
biotechnology towards the industrial application of the
entered the field of biotechnology with my PhD thesis
products from cells. The meeting was supported by
on Enzymatic Cellulose Degradation completed at the
some exceptional invited speakers from around the
Institute of Biotechnology at the Research Centre
Jülich, Germany. I moved into cell culture research
emerging technologies and the changes being made at
through a post-doc position at the Chemical
the industrial end of the ESACT spectrum. The
Engineering Department of the University of
proceedings here include the short papers adding the
California, Berkeley. Upon returning to Europe I
knowledge of the previous meetings and provide a
worked for Behringwerke in Marburg before joining F.
reference for the researcher entering, or continuing in
Hoffmann-La Roche where I have been responsible for
protein supply of numerous research projects as well
E u r o p e a n S o c i e t y f o r A n i m a l C e l l T e c h n o l o g y
This book was recently distributed to all the
optimizing bioreactor output has become a primary
participants of the 19th ESACT meeting in Harrogate.
concern for most pharmaceutical companies. Each
If you wish to order it online, please visit the
chapter in Cell Culture and Upstream Processing is
“Proceedings” section of www.esact.org where you
taken from presentations at the highly acclaimed IBC
will find a direct link to the publisher.
conferences as well as meetings of the European Society for Animal Cell Technology (ESACT) and
Cell Culture and Upstream Processing
Protein Expression in Animal Cells (PEACe) and
describes how to improve yield and optimise the cell culture production process for biopharmaceuticals, by
focusing on safety, quality, economics and operability
Publisher:Taylor and Francis.
Cell Culture and Upstream Processing will appeal to a
practitioners of animal cell technology as well as
genetically engineered to contain the human gene
students of biochemical engineering or biotechnology
which will express the protein of interest. The demand
in graduate or high level undergraduate courses at
for large quantities of specific proteins is increasing
the pressure to boost cell culture productivity, and
ESACT welcomes the following new members:
Sandoz GmbH, Cell Culture Development Schaftenau
Max Planck Institute for Cell Biology and Genetics
E u r o p e a n S o c i e t y f o r A n i m a l C e l l T e c h n o l o g y
Society Executive Committee
Chairman Wurm Florian Alves Paula Marques Vice-Chairman Godia Francesc Fussenegger Martin
Institute for Chemical and Bio-Engineering
Merten Otto-wilhelm Secretary Grammatikos Stefanos
Smith Rodney
stefanos.grammatikos bc.boehringer-ingelheim.com
Treasurer Bernard Alain Newsletter and General Management Christophe Losberger Meeting Chairman Hauser Hansjorg
Bereichsleiter Molekulare Biotechnologie Helmholtz Zentrum für Infektionsforschung Inhoffenstr. 7 D - 38124 Braunschweig Germany Tel :
City of Columbus, Ohio THIS IS NOT AN ORDER Solicitation - SO041870 Respond before: 11/02/2012 Bid Contact : Purchasing Office50 W Gay St 1st FloorColumbus OH 43215 - For inquiries call : (614) 645 7769Fax : (614) 645 7051 DESCRIPTION Printer Accessories and Supplies: Chemicals, Forms Tractors, Ink Cartridges for Canon image PROGRAF: IPF 755'MBK' (PFI-102MBK) "Mat
THE UNIVERSITY OF CALGARY FACULTY OF SOCIAL SCIENCES DEPARTMENT OF SOCIOLOGY Sociology 403.02: Gender and Health Winter, 2009 Class Time and Location: TR, 11:00 AM- 12: 15 PM, SH 278 Instructor: Rebecca J. Carter Office hours: TR, 9:45 AM-10:45 AM, SS_, or by appointment _____________________________________________________________ Course Overview This is a s