
Answer keys LEVEL 4
Teacher Support Programme
Murder on the Orient Express
Book key

20 a Colonel Arbuthnot is talking about Robert
1 Open answers
b Princess Dragomiroff is talking about Linda Arden’s
2 Open answers (in the 1930s)
3 Open answers (clues, evidence, a train)
c  M. Bouc is talking about the Italian man who
4 Open answers
shares a compartment with Masterman.
5 a 5 b 6 c 1 d  8 e 4 f 2 g 3 h 7
d  Count Andrenyi is talking about his wife.
21–22 Open answers
b F (It is usually easy in the winter.)
23 a F (He is a private detective.)
b F (Hildegarde Schmidt saw a small, dark man in
e F (Ratchett wants Poirot to protect him, but Poirot
d F (We learn nothing new from her.)
f F (The train stops because there is thick snow on
e F (A conductor almost ran into Hildegarde
7–8 Open answers
24 a Foscarelli’s
9 a Bouc b letters c MacQueen d dead
b Hardman’s
e kidnapped
c Hildegarde Schmidt’s
10 an open window, an empty glass, a handkerchief,
25–27 Open answers
a burnt note, a pocket watch, a gun, a pipe cleaner, 28 a 4 b 1 c 2 d 5 e 6 f  3
29 a the small, dark man with a high voice
11–14 Open answers
b the knife that Mrs Hubbard found in her sponge
15 a twenty to one b  one o’clock c two o’clock
d twenty past twelve e nine o’clock
c Countess Andrenyi
f four o’clock in the morning g half past ten
d the conductor’s uniform found in Hildegarde
16 a MacQueen left it unbolted after getting out of the
e Mrs Hubbard
b He shares a compartment with Masterman.
f Miss Debenham
c The Swedish lady visited Mrs Hubbard’s
30–33 Open answers
34 a Countess Andrenyi
d Mrs Hubbard found one on top of a magazine
b  Count Andrenyi
that she had put on the floor the night before. The c  Princess Dragomiroff
button is from a conductor’s uniform.
35–38 Open answers
e  A woman in a red dressing gown was seen in the
39 a  Miss Debenham was Helena’s governess.
corridor during the night, but no one saw her face.
b Foscarelli was the Armstrongs’ driver.
17 Open answers
c Greta Ohlsson was Daisy’s nurse.
18 Open answers
d Michel is Susanne’s father.
(a  Princess Dragomiroff
e  Colonel Arbuthnot was Robert Armstrong’s friend.
b Colonel Arbuthnot
f Mrs Hubbard is Sonia and Helena’s mother.
c the Hungarian diplomat, Count Andrenyi)
40–52 Open answers
19 a Greta Ohlsson

b Princess Dragomiroff
c Princess Dragomiroff
d Countess Andrenyi
e Countess Andrenyi
f Colonel Arbuthnot
Murder on the Orient Express - Answer keys  of 3
Answer keys LEVEL 4
Teacher Support Programme
Murder on the Orient Express
Discussion activities key

is American and talks a lot. She has a daughter who 1 The Orient Express first ran in 1883 from Paris to
works in Turkey. She is very rude about people of Vienna. The train was very luxurious with many sleeping carriages and it is often associated with 5 Suggested crimes: Burglary, shoplifting, murder,
romance. The restaurant carriage is of a very high mugging, hijacking, kidnapping, arson, blackmail, standard and offered a variety of food. The current robbery, fraud, smuggling. + Open answers service only runs from Strasbourg to Vienna, although 6–7 Open answers
a private company now runs restored carriages from 8 The letters might refer back to the Armstrong case
the 1920s and 1930s from London to Venice. This is and include reasons why Ratchett is a horrible man clearly aimed at leisure travellers, with tickets costing and deserves to be punished. They might also include more than £1,200 per person. Among others, the the kind of things they are going to do to him and the Orient Express is featured in the books Dracula and From Russia with Love, in the films Around the World 9 Belgian (Poirot, Bouc), English (Mary Debenham,
in Eighty Days (2004) and Murder on the Orient Express (1974 and 2001) and in the TV series Star (Ratchett, MacQueen, Hardman, Mrs Hubbard), Trek: The Next Generation and the travel documentary Russian (Princess Dragomiroff ), Hungarian (Count Around the World in Eighty Days.
and Countess Andrenyi), French (Pierre Michel), 2 She was very successful, selling more copies of her
Swedish (Greta Ohlsson), Italian (Foscarelli), German books than any other novelist in history. She was taught at home by a governess until she was sixteen, 10 The bolt in Mrs Hubbard’s original compartment
when she went to Paris to study singing and piano. was thirty centimetres above the door handle so she She started writing very young and had one of her must have been able to see that it wasn’t locked. Poirot poems published in a newspaper at eleven. During found a packet of pipe cleaners that were exactly the the war, she worked in a hospital. She got her idea for same as the one found at the crime scene in Colonel Poirot from Belgian soldiers that were in her town and Arbuthnot’s luggage. This may mean he was at the idea of Miss Marple from her grandmother. She the crime scene. The label on Countess Andrenyi’s loved travelling. She was successful because she wrote suitcase was wet. This may mean she has changed it about what she knew. She wrote Murder on the Orient recently and is hiding her true name. A conductor’s uniform was found in Hildegarde Schmidt’s suitcase, 3 Open answers
which may mean she is the murderer or the murderer 4 Poirot is a Belgian detective. He has a strange egg-
left it there. Poirot found the red dressing gown shaped head and an enormous moustache. Colonel in his suitcase, so somebody probably put it there. Arbuthnot is English and he is tall and thin. He is in his forties and has greying hair and skin darkened 11–13 Open answers
by the sun. He has lived in India. Miss Debenham Activity worksheets key
is a tall, thin young lady. She is good-looking, but a 1  a Miss Debenham
little cold. She looks like an experienced traveller and   b Colonel Arbuthnot
she is efficient. She was a governess in Baghdad. She   c Bouc
has some kind of mysterious relationship with the   d Ratchett
Colonel. She gets nervous when there is a delay. Bouc   e Mr Harris
is short and fat and in his fifties. He is Belgian and   f Princess Dragomiroff
works for the train company. He is an old friend of   g Mrs Hubbard
Poirot’s. Princess Dragomiroff is a very ugly lady who 2  a passenger b footprints c bolted
wears expensive clothes and jewellery. She is Russian.   d unpleasantness e nervously f handwriting
MacQueen is American and works for Ratchett.   g wounds h pillow i handkerchief
Ratchett is a cruel-looking man. He is rich and   j kidnapped
somebody has threatened to kill him. Mrs Hubbard Murder on the Orient Express - Answer keys 2 of 3
Answer keys LEVEL 4
Teacher Support Programme
Murder on the Orient Express
3  a The conductor.
Progress test key
  b A Chinese-style picture.
1  a 3 b 7 c 3 d 3 e 7 f 7 g 3 h 7
  c Because she wanted her maid.
i 3 j 3
  d He was angry.
2  a 3 b 10 c 1 d 9 e 5 f 4 g 8 h 6
  e Medicine to help him sleep.
i 2 j  7
  f The murderer/A man.
3  a Mrs Armstrong
  g Under her pillow.
  b Poirot
  h A small metal button.
  c Mrs Hubbard
  i Because her sponge back was hanging on the door.
  d Pierre Michel
  j To get some aspirin.
  e Hildegarde Schmidt
4  a 7 b 3 c 7 d 7 e 3 f 3 g 7 h 7
  f Ratchett
i 7 j 3
  g Princess Dragomiroff
5  a pleasure > business
  h Miss Debenham
  b children > criminals
  i Colonel Arbuthnot
  c tall > small
  j Countess Andrenyi
  d a British > an American
4  a full b face c passports d pyjamas
  e guns > knives
  e the conductor f lying g a hat
  f secretary > governess
  g cheap > expensive
6  a clue b disproved c forwards d crowd
  e sharp f willingly g curled h refused
  i temper j tidily
7  a hands b pyjamas c ink d burnt e niece
  f cheerful g stare h shook
8  a 4 b 2 c 6 d 1 e 8 f 5 g 3 h 7
Murder on the Orient Express - Answer keys 3 of 3

Source: http://www.english-center.dk/Files/Billeder/PDF/pdflongman/PenguinReaders%20Level%204/AK-MurderOrient.pdf

Microsoft word - agenda 22 a 2808.doc

UNIDADE LAPA Não haverá sessões em virtude Semana de 22 a 28/08/2005 da realização da Semana Temática “Loucura e Estigma”. UNIDADE ITAQUERA 25/08 – Quinta-feira – 14h UNIDADES ITAQUERA E LAPA UNIDADE SANTO AMARO RAPSÓDIA EM AGOSTO Grupos de Orientação Profissional Laboratório de Raciocínio Lógico O Serviço de Psicologia oferece o

Curriculum vitae:

Curriculum Vitae: DARRYL I. MACKENZIE B.Sc. (Statistics), University of Otago, New Zealand, 1995D.Ap.Stat., University of Otago, New Zealand, 1998Ph.D. (Statistics), University of Otago, New Zealand, 2002PROFESSIONAL BACKGROUNDSince 1997 I have been applying statistical techniques to address questions of interest for a wide range of animal species including seabirds, grizzly bears, sea lio

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