Screening of environmental samples for an estrogenic pollutant: ddt
L. Graham and M. CampbellCooperative Research Programs, 107 Foster Hall, Lincoln University, Jefferson City, MO65109; Phone (573) 681-5312.ABSTRACT
Soil samples collected from three farm communities in southeast Missouri were analyzed for the
presence of dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT) and its metabolites, using commercially available DDT in a
soil test kit. The soil test kit is based on the use of polyclonal antibodies that bind either DDT or a DDT-enzyme
conjugate. The same numbers of antibodies are immobilized to the walls of the test tubes. When DDT is present
in samples, it competes with the DDT-enzyme conjugate for a limited number of antibody-binding sites. The
presence of DDT is determined by a colorimetric reaction in the test tubes that results in the formation of a blue
solution. Based on the binding of the DDT molecules, a low concentration of DDT produces a dark blue
solution, and conversely, a high concentration of DDT allows fewer DDT-enzyme conjugate molecules to be
bound to the antibodies, resulting in a lighter blue solution. Methanol extracts of 11 soil samples were tested.
Nine of the samples showed a level of 0.2 ppm or greater of p’-DDT. Only two samples had levels below 0.2 ppm. Key words: dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane, estrogens, polyclonal antibodies, biomagnification INTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUND
bald eagles declined, research revealed that
degradation products of DDT accumulating in
nated with many synthetic chemicals that are
the bodies of the affected birds were the cause.
believed to affect the activity of sex hormones
Subsequently, DDT usage in the United States
such as estrogen. At least 45 environmental
was banned in 1972 (Enger et al., 1998). The
contaminants, including DDT (Figure 1), that
complex structure of DDT makes it very persis-
have chemical structures similar to estrogen,
tent, and small quantities can remain in the
have been reported to cause changes in the
environment for a long time. The chemical can
reproductive systems of animals. It is postulated
enter the food chain through crops and fish and
that estrogenic pollutants can replace natural
may be ultimately transferred to humans. Studies
estrogen (Figure 2) on cell receptors, which
may result in a variety of abnormal responses
revealed the presence of DDT metabolites in
such as the feminizing of male alligators and
body fat, urine, semen, breast milk, and blood
(Lu,1985). DDT has a half-life in the body
between 2-15 years. Additionally, research data
pesticides in the United States prior to the
1970’s. It was widely used on crops and in
breast cancer. DDT is listed in the National
communities around the world for controlling
Toxicology Program’s Fifth Annual Report on
disease-carrying insects such as mosquitos.
Carcinogens as a “substance which may
When populations of ospreys, cormorants, and
reasonably be anticipated to be carcinogenic”Proceedings of the 2001 Conference on Environmental Research Figure 1. Chemical structure of DDT. Figure 2. Chemical structure of estrogen.
and the Environmental Protection Agency catego-
rizes DDT and its metabolites as probable human
Soil collection
carcinogens (Environmental Health Center, 2000).
homes sites located in New Madrid County,
that DDT contamination is a global problem
Missouri. A 12-inch stainless steel corer was
that requires a global solution. Global attention
used to collect each sample, which was taken
from the A-horizon of the soil profile. The 12-
developing nations continues. Studies that
inch core of soil was sliced into three, 4- inch
sections. Each section was placed in a labeled
plastic bag and stored on ice until transported
relevant and significant in light of known
back to the laboratory. The weight of each
adverse environmental and health impacts.
collected sample was recorded before analysis.
For this study, methanol extracts of soil
The samples that were analyzed for DDT were
were analyzed according to procedures of the
taken from the top portion of the core to a
Enviro-Gard TM DDT in Soil Test Kit. This
semi-quantitative enzyme immunoassay allowed
rapid and reliable screening for DDT at concen-
trations as low as 0.2 parts per million. The
procedures in the kit are based on EPA method
4042. With this kit, samples can be screened
EnviroGardTM DDT in Soil Test Kit was
with a 95% confidence of no false negatives at
purchased from Strategic Diagnostics. Extraction of DDT
tion of procedures recommended in the Strate-gic Diagnostics Inc., EnviroGardTM DDT in Soil
Proceedings of the 2001 Conference on Environmental Research
Test Kit. A 1:4 ratio (5 g of soil with 20 ml of
conjugate is added to the antibody-coated test
tubes, it competes with DDT in the sample for
capped 50-mL Erlenmeyer flasks. The flasks
antibody-binding sites. The color reaction that
containing the soil-solvent mixture were al-
occurs when the substrate molecules are added
lowed to shake overnight (12 hours) on an
to the test tubes allows for visual comparisons.
Eberbach shaker. After overnight shaking, the
Samples that contain very low concentrations of
soil slurry was centrifuged at 8,000 rpm for 15
DDT bind to very few antibodies in the test
minutes at 4°C. The solvent supernatant was
tube, so large numbers of the prepared DDT-
carefully decanted into sterile, labeled test tubes
enzymeconjugate molecules bind with the
antibodies and cause the development of a dark
The EnviroGardTM DDT in soil test kit
blue solution. Samples with high concentrations
(EPA Method 44042)
of DDT bind with more antibodies so fewer
Before use, all components were stored at
molecules of the DDT-enzyme conjugate bind
4°C. On the day of analysis, the test kit com-
to the antibodies and the solution has a lighter
ponents were allowed to come to an ambient
blue color. After the stop solution is added,
temperature of 26°C before proceeding with the
test. The test components consist of the follow-
spectrophotometer. The calibration curve, plotted
ing: 20 12 x 75mm antibody-coated test tubes;
from the prepared DDT calibrators, is used to
one vial of assay diluent; one vial as a negative
extrapolate the concentrations of the samples.
control (methanol); one calibrator vial containing
Occurrence of residues
in methanol calibrator vial; one of 10.0 ppm
of DDE for each sample are recorded in Table
DDT in methanol calibrator vial; one DDT-
1. Data indicates the presence of DDT in all
enzyme conjugate vial; one vial of substrate; and
soil samples collected from the three southeast
a 20-place test tube rack. The solvent extracts
Missouri communities. Three out of the eleven
were analyzed according to test kit procedures.
samples collected contained concentrations of
DDT greater than 10 ppm. Two out of elevensamples contained concentrations of DDT lower
DDT determination
than 1ppm. The site with the highest concentra-
tion was located in North Lilbourn, Missouri,
in Soil Test Kit is that it is based on the use of
polyclonal antibodies that bind to either DDT orDDT-enzyme conjugate. All coated test tubes
Possible health impact
have the same number of antibody-binding sites
and receive a matching number of DDT-enzyme
the environment is of concern. DDT can enter
conjugate molecules. When the DDT-enzyme
the body mainly through consumption of con-
Proceedings of the 2001 Conference on Environmental Research
taminated foods, and by inhalation of contami-
Ecological effects
nated air. Since the body’s natural hormonal
balance is necessary to maintain normal body
chemical that can be biomagnified. Synthetic
activities, estrogenic contaminants that enter the
estrogens are insoluble in water, are soluble in
body may affect that balance. Estrogen and
fat, and are slowly biodegraded by natural
other hormones cause their effects by binding to
processes. This means that they become more
receptor molecules in tissues of the breast,
concentrated in the fatty tissue of an organism at
uterus, brain, and testis. The action of DDT is
higher trophic levels in the food chain. As noted
in the introduction, research has shown that
triggering or blocking a response to the body’s
populations of predatory birds such as falcons,
natural hormones. The mimicking effects of
hawks, and eagles have declined because DDT
DDT disrupt normal estrogen metabolism in the
accumulated in their bodies and altered normal
breast development in young girls; infertility in
Since the 1940’s, four billion pounds of
DDT have been used worldwide and 80% ofthat has been used in agriculture (Fransis and
Table 1. Concentrations of DDT and/or its metabolites in methanol extracts of soil samples
Magnus, 1994). Our data indicates that DDT
collected from three southeast Missouri farm
was broadly used in the three southeast Mis-
souri farm communities we studied. Because
DDT is very persistent in the environment,
p ( a t r s p r e i m llion 5 / s m a r g of
having a half-life between 2-15 years, we were
o s il)
samples. We can also reasonably conclude that
DDT may be present in water and wildlife in thearea. Future studies will be made to confirm this
speculation. The data from this study will be
shared with the communities in hopes that it will
help them develop appropriate strategies to
protect human health and improve the quality of
Missouri State Matching-Mission Enhancement
funds. The authors wish to acknowledge the
Proceedings of the 2001 Conference on Environmental Research
cooperation and helpfulness of laboratory
Environmental Health Center, 2000. Environ-
technicians in the Lincoln University Coopera-
mental Writer-DDT (C14H9C15) /DDE (C14H8C14)/DDD
tive Research Program. Sincere appreciation is
expressed to individuals from the communities
that allowed the collection of soil samples from
Lu, Frank C, 1985. Basic Toxicology. Hemi-
Enger, E.D., J.R. Kormelink, B.F. Smith, and
Magnus, B., 1994. Toxic Substances in the
mental Science “The Study of Interrela-
tionships.” William C. Brown Publish-ers, Dubuque, Iowa. Proceedings of the 2001 Conference on Environmental Research
Vergütungsvereinbarung für ärztliche Leistungen zur Diagnostik und ambulanten Eradikationstherapie von Trägern mit dem Methicillin-resistenten Staphylcoccus aureus (MRSA) in der vertragsärztlichen Versorgung gemäß § 87 Abs. 2a SGB V mit Wirkung zum 01.04.2012 bis zum 31.03.2014 Allgemeine Fragen zu MRSA Was bedeutet "Eradikationstherapie"? Vollständige Eliminierung e
10 km REGIONAL WATER PLAN Rio de Chama Acequias Association Rio Arriba County REGIONAL WATER PLAN Published by the Rio de Chama Acequias Association and Rio Arriba CountyResearched and edited by La Calandria Associates, Inc. Cover photo by Brother Bernard Cranor, OSBGeological cross sections by Andrea KronIn July of 1995, the New Mexico Interstate Stream Commission arranged with R