June 2006
All About Packaging
Welcome to All About Packaging! We distribute this newsletter to
our associates, friends, clients and partners who share our passion for
packaging. If you think that anyone you know might get some value
out of reading AAP, please feel free to pass it on. Equally if you prefer
not to receive our updates please let us know. Above Right: Joint Juice Mini cans with Molson’s packaged Cold Shots.
many of today’s consumers see the mini
segment of the market, these petite drinks
can as a way of limiting their calorie intake.
Available at supermarkets or in bulk from
the manufacturer, we think these attractive
•They’re another packaging choice for
Below: Advertisement for Pepsi mini cans (one of four).
affect over 60% of the family’s supermarket
purchases. What’s more, kids are a self-
•Improved shipping logistics and reduced
replenishing resource. According to Disney
and other licensors of kids’ products, the
generational cycle is eight years from about
four to 12 years of age - just long enough
beer market, in sleek, silver mini cans that
proved very popular in consumer research.
The name Cold Shots plays on the fact that
spectrum is Joint Juice, which was recently
repackaged as a mini can. Aimed at older
consumers, it contains an ingredient that
is intended to relieve joint pain. At the big
June 2006
Children are an interesting demographic.
allocate funds to research kids’ ideas
marketing a product to kids in which they
had some degree of ownership! Jones calls
that marketing efforts aimed squarely at
the outcome of this process Positive Pester
children remain ethical in a society where
advertising receives signifi cant blame for
juvenile health problems such as obesity
essentials of the manufacturing process,
but they do possess opinions, lifestyles
claims to have an ethos that his company
always puts kids fi rst. “At Jammy, we
standards vary a great deal from culture
develop strategies from a kid’s point of
to culture,but there are some overriding
view, giving confi dence that we do not
•They want to fi nd their position in their
fi ltered through to the majority of the
industry, it appears some are willing to
•They want to contribute to their society
change, provided their business plans are
future. This affi nity and compassion can
be harnessed as energy for ethical kids’
marketing. It is this energy that is the
benefi ts for kids 1- 5 years, and Cereal
fundamental ethos behind Positive Pester
By positively harnessing kids’ attitudes
and having them pester their parents for
its products and, therefore, kids’ health.
Nic Jones has an interesting philosophy on
companies that adopt these policies will
how we could empower kids in the R&D
June 2006
She has been offered a position at another
studio as a Packaging Designer. Kiri’s last
lunch of course! However, she will keep in touch, sending
us interesting packaging facts and will be
product which looks to be hitting shelves
soon. Using a tiny electronic unit with an
developed a way of illuminating bottles,
opening up a world of possibilities for the
marketing and promotion of beveragesThe unit is designed to fi t on the bottom
several months, which will give the brand
owner the effect they wish for. Products
manual depression of a switch, pulling a
tab, removal of a cap or lid with a special
as fl ashing or pulsing patterns. What a
switching and an external radio-frequency
fantastic way to differentiate a product
Filière Ovine et Caprine n°42 - 4ième trimestre 2012 PARASITES DU MOUTON : FAUT-IL TRAITER ? LA RÉPONSE PAR ANALYSES Catherine Richard(1), Nathalie Kirschvink(2) ( 1 ) D éparte m e nt de paras itologie , Facu lté de Méde cin e Vétérin aire , Un iv e rs ité de L iège ; 2 ) C e ntre du Mou ton , D éparte m e nt de m éde cin e v étérin aire , F UND P Un iv e rs ité de Nam
A Mitem View Customer Reference which would integrate with Panasonic’s Home Solution Overview Page and provide very high speed real timeaccess to the Vision System. Peter Schepis, Industry a wholly owned operating companyof Matsushita Electric Corporation ofGroup Manager of MIS commissioned a technol-Jersey. MECA is the North American arm ofogy team to identify and evaluate tools