Use of Enteral Sedation in Pediatric Dentistry
Considerations for the Use of Enteral Sedation in Pediatric Dentistry Treating an uncooperative, uncontrollable child can be unpleasant for all parties involved. Despite the den- tist’s best efforts to employ traditional techniques, the behavioral management of challenging pediatric den- tal patients often requires more than “tell, show, do.” Consequently, pre-operative pharmacological inter- vention may be necessary. Enteral sedation may be the optimal adjunct for the dental treatment of such a challenging patient population. However, it must be utilized with caution and is not an appropriate treat- ment modality for all. This paper will present various considerations for the safe, appropriate and effective use of enteral sedation in contemporary pediatric dentistry. With the strong demand for this service, prop- erly trained practitioners can broaden their practice and provide a win-win scenario for themselves and their patients. Keywords: enteral sedation, oral sedation, anesthesia, pediatric dentistry INTRODUCTION
considerations for the safe, appropriate and effective use of
In the pediatric dental practice, patients present the prac- enteral sedation in contemporary pediatric dentistry.
titioner with a wide variety of challenges that may pre-clude treatment, despite the dentist’s best efforts to
The need for sedation in pediatric dentistry
employ traditional behavioral management techniques.
The practice of pediatric dentistry has certainly changed
Interacting with an uncontrollable child who is screaming,
over the past several decades. While dental materials and
crying, and/or throwing a tantrum is unpleasant for all par-
clinical techniques have made impressive progress, the pedi-
ties involved. It is also unsafe, and often unsuccessful. At the
atric dental population itself seems to have experienced a
end of this type of appointment, the parents may be exasper-
qualitative transformation. Supporting this statement was
ated, the dentist and his/her staff may feel fatigued and dis-
the survey of pediatric dentists that found children are less
appointed, and the child may remain untreated and perhaps
cooperative than in previous years. This conclusion was
psychologically scarred with a poor association with the
attributed to changes in parenting styles, primarily the fail-
dental office. Not exactly a win-win-win situation. Since
ure of parents to set limits on children’s behavior.1 While the
optimizing the patient’s dental experience is the common
high caries rate in children may be associated with patients
goal, the behavioral management of challenging pediatric
of a lower socioeconomic status,2 it seems that over the past
dental patients may require more than “tell, show, do”. Thus,
few decades the overall behavior of children in general has
in certain circumstances, the need for pre-operative pharma-
not improved significantly, and may have become even more
cological intervention may be warranted. However, careful
considerations must also be addressed prior to proceeding
The source of the behaviorally challenging patient may be
with such a treatment plan. This paper will present various
one of extreme fear or apprehension, a young or emotionallychallenged child who cannot cooperate, or a patient withcognitive impairment who is unable to cooperate. So howdoes one proceed with such challenges? Initially, the mostconservative behavioral approach should be attempted.
* Jeffrey S. Yasny, DDS, FADSA Assistant Professor, Departments of
However, some patients may have experienced multiple den-
Dentistry and Anesthesiology, The Mount Sinai School of Medicine
tal visits that employed conventional behavioral techniques
** Ali Asgari, Practicing Pediatric Dentistry in New York City
unsuccessfully, without achieving any treatment. While not
Send all correspondence to: Jeffrey S. Yasny, Assistant Professor, Mount
every child is a candidate for sedation, it should be noted
Sinai School of Medicine, Department of Anesthesiology, One Gustave L.
that not every child will respond to “tell, show, do” either.
Levy Place, Box 1010, New York, New York 10029-6574
Without pharmacological intervention, the patient may be
at risk for psychological and/or physical trauma. For the den-
tist, attempting to treat an otherwise uncooperative child canresult in a difficult, stressful, and dangerous task.4 Moreover,
The Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry
Use of Enteral Sedation in Pediatric Dentistry
if the practitioner plans to use invasive rotary instrumenta-
in the dental office for enteral sedation should belong to
tion for a patient who may become wildly combative, it may
either one of the following two classifications: A healthy
inevitably place the child in harm’s way.5 Passive restraint
patient without systemic disease (A.S.A. I), or a patient with
may also prove to be insufficient for some of these patients.
mild systemic disease (A.S.A. II).11 In addition, the patient
Sedating the patient may be the only effective means of
should be evaluated for their ability and willingness to coop-
treating them.6 Therefore, it may be necessary to consider an
erate. For example, a mentally or physically handicapped
adjunctive form of treatment (i.e. enteral sedation), upon
child who is incapable of undergoing the dental procedure
weighing the associated risks and benefits.
without the use of sedation must be evaluated thoroughly.12The psychological and physical age of the child and whether
Advantages and disadvantages of enteral sedation
or not they coincide, must also be determined in order
Common routes of administration for sedation in dentistry
to estimate the potential for successful acceptance of the
have been defined as enteral (i.e. oral, sublingual, rectal) in
which the agent is absorbed through the gastrointestinal (GI)tract or oral mucosa; or parenteral routes (i.e. intranasally,
Importance of airway assessment and management
intramuscularly, intravenously, submucosally, subcuta-
The patient’s airway must be meticulously assessed. For the
neously), whereby the drug bypasses the GI tract.7
practitioner involved with the sedation, airway management
There are several significant advantages of utilizing
is vital. Patients should be able to maintain their own patent
enteral sedation as an adjunct to dental treatment for a fear-
airway and their normal physiological reflexes should be
ful or uncooperative patient. The lack of needles can dimin-
intact if enteral sedation is the desired method of sedation.
ish a patient’s fear; it is generally accepted by patients; easy
An examination of the patient may reveal enlarged tonsils
to administer; and the cost of medications is minimal to the
which can compromise the airway during a sedation.14 Addi-
practitioner. Also, there is a decreased incidence and sever-
tional anatomic considerations such as macroglossia,
ity of adverse and allergic reactions to medications when
micrognathia, limitations of mouth opening or neck mobility
administered orally. Enteral sedation may also serve as an
which could potentially compromise the airway must be
effective “middle ground” therapy between the traditional
addressed prior to the sedation. For example, patients with
non-pharmacological approach and general anesthesia.
micrognathia may have an associated syndrome such as
However, sedation is not without risk. If not administered
Pierre-Robin’s, Treacher-Collins, Goldenhar’s, Cornelia de
carefully, by properly trained professionals, it has the poten-
Lange, or mucopolysaccharidosis that likely negates this
tial for serious or dire consequences including an unexpect-
type of treatment.15 Furthermore, patients with obstructive
edly deep sedation, respiratory depression, cardiac arrest
sleep apnea (O.S.A.) are generally not good candidates for
this therapy. It was found that the perioperative risk to
Consequently, the disadvantages of this treatment modal-
patients increases in proportion to the severity of sleep
ity must also be examined. The success of enteral sedation is
initially dependent on the patient’s ability or willingness to
If an upper respiratory tract infection (URI) is suspected
take the medication (i.e. compliance), which may not be pos-
preoperatively, the practitioner is faced with an interesting
sible in severely phobic or behaviorally challenging individ-
dilemma. One must thoroughly assess the risk/benefit ratio
uals. Compared with intravenous administration, the onset of
prior to proceeding with the sedation. In the past, there was
action is slow (i.e. the latent period is relatively long), usu-
a blanket cancellation of surgery for the child with a URI;
ally 30-60 minutes. Moreover, there is a lack of control over
however, more recent literature supports the cancellation on
the drug’s action. Once administered to the patient, the prac-
a more selective, case-by-case basis.17 A national survey of
titioner does not have the ability to titrate to effect (i.e.
anesthesiologists found that younger practitioners with less
lighten or deepen the level of sedation). The results are less
than 10 years of experience are less likely to cancel a proce-
predictable due to a first pass effect and a variable absorp-
dure due to a patient’s URI than their more experienced col-
tion from the gastrointestinal tract. Furthermore, the pro-
leagues.18 Emotional and economic burdens may also be
longed duration of action can also affect optimal recovery
placed on the parents due to a cancellation.19 In addition, it is
common for children to experience six to eight URIs peryear, and young children attending day care or nursery
Patient assessment as a candidate for sedation
school may demonstrate an even higher frequency annually.20
Minimizing the potential morbidity involved with sedation
As a result, it may be difficult to precisely find a convenient,
requires several considerations prior to the sedation appoint-
symptom-free time for an elective procedure such as dental
ment. Of paramount importance is appropriate patient selec-
tion. Not everyone is an acceptable candidate for this treat-
The patient should be evaluated for signs and symptoms
ment. Prior to the sedation a complete history and physical
of an URI including the following: fever, dyspnea, produc-
should be performed; ideally by the patient’s pediatrician. A
tive cough, sputum production, nasal congestion, wheezing
review of the patient’s past medical and surgical histories,
and lethargy.21 Nasal congestion, sputum production, and a
current medications and any known drug allergies should
history of reactive airway disease have been identified as
also be documented. The physical status of patients treated
predictors of adverse respiratory events.22,23 Moreover, it has
The Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry
Use of Enteral Sedation in Pediatric Dentistry
been found that airway hyperreactivity persists for several
the drug type used (i.e. opiod versus benzodiazepine) may
weeks following an URI.24,25 Therefore, when deciding
not have been ideal for that individual.
whether to proceed or not, one may consider the followingsuggestions: any child with severe symptoms such as a pro-
Different sedative agents
ductive cough, fever of >38ºC, mucopurulent secretions,
Several sedative-hypnotic agents have been utilized effec-
nasal congestion and lethargy should have their procedure
tively for sedating children in the dental setting. This paper
postponed for at least 4 weeks. Children who present with an
will discuss certain drugs of various classifications includ-
uncomplicated URI (i.e. clear secretions, afebrile), and are
ing benzodiazepines, antihistamines, opiods, and non-barbi-
otherwise healthy, should be able to undergo the procedure.26
tuates. All of these agents can be used alone, or in concertwith other sedative agents to potentiate the effects of the
Preoperative guidelines for sedation
mixture and achieve a deeper level of sedation. It is essential
Preoperative instructions should be made clear to the par-
that any dental practitioner who opts to utilize these medica-
ent(s) or legal guardian. Patients are not to have any food or
tions, thoroughly understands the clinical pharmacology of
drink for several hours prior to the sedation.27 Refraining
these drugs, and possesses the ability to initiate appropriate
from the ingestion of food and liquid for hours prior to the
resuscitation during an untoward event.
sedation has been shown to minimize the risk of nausea,vomiting and aspiration of gastric contents.28 Currently, the
Benzodiazepines- Pharmacology and physiology
following intake restrictions are recommended: Clear liquids
Currently, benzodiazepines are the class of drugs most fre-
(i.e. apple juice, tea, water) for at least 2-3 hours. Breast
quently used as an oral sedative in the dental practice.
milk should not be ingested for at least 4 hours prior to the
Gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) is the major inhibitory
procedure. Liquids such as milk and any juice containing
neurotransmitter in the central nervous system, and binds to
pulp are considered to be “not clear” and are classified as
its receptor within the protein complex of a neuronal cell
solids.29 Milk and solids should be restricted from intake for
membrane. Benzodiazepines attach selectively to their
at least 6 hours for a child less than 3 years of age, and at
receptor sites located on the alpha sub-units of GABA recep-
least 8 hours for children greater than 3 years of age.30
tors within this GABA-Chloride ionophore complex, and
Medications taken routinely in the morning by the patient
facilitate the inhibitory actions of GABA.31 Benzodiazepines
should not be ignored and taken with small sips of water.
do not open chloride channels themselves. Rather, they
Insulin or oral hypoglycemics should be avoided on the
enhance the chloride channel’s response to GABA. The
morning of a procedure involving sedation, in accordance
binding of GABA by agonist benzodiazepines causes a con-
with the fasting regimen and altered glucose levels. The
formational change in the receptor site that opens chloride
patient should wear loose, comfortable clothing, remove any
channels. Consequently, the increased influx of chloride ions
jewelry or optical aids, and visit the restroom prior to the
hyperpolarizes cell membranes, making them more resistant
procedure. Prior to proceeding with the procedure, expecta-
to excitation and less likely to transmit an action potential.32
tions of the sedation should be clarified to the patient’s par-
GABA receptors are anatomically distributed almost entirely
ent(s) or legal guardian. It should be clearly established that
within the central nervous system (C.N.S.), resulting in
this adjunct to traditional therapy may not be successful. If
effects on the C.N.S. primarily. Primary therapeutic effects
the dental treatment cannot be safely performed utilizing
of benzodiazepines include sedation, anxiolysis, and antero-
enteral sedation, it may be postponed until another day using
grade amnesia – all beneficial for the treatment of the fear-
another dose or sedation agent. Alternatively, another thera-
ful pediatric dental patient. These drugs possess muscle
peutic mode may be required (i.e. general anesthesia). Thus,
relaxant and anti-convulsant properties as well. Overall, ben-
the potential for an additional appointment should be dis-
zodiazepines demonstrate a wide margin of safety and a
cussed ahead of the sedation in order to eliminate any
wide therapeutic index which represents the dosage differ-
heightened or false expectations. Finally, the practitioner
ence between an effective dose and a lethal dose. Its onset
should document the major components of the pre-operative
and duration of action are relatively short when compared
with other orally administered sedatives. Minimal adverse
An unsuccessful enteral sedation may be due to any of the
reactions are associated with these drugs, and a reversible
following reasons: a patient may not be entirely compliant,
ingesting only a portion of the intended dose and limiting its
Although generally safe, some undesirable effects can
effectiveness; severe patient anxiety can overwhelm the
occur with benzodiazepines. Particularly significant clini-
drug’s action; since drug absorption through the GI tract is
cally is that benzodiazepines administered alone can cause
erratic, the desired effect of the medication(s) may be com-
respiratory depression, an effect that is amplified when
promised; the timing of the drug to achieve peak blood lev-
given in combination with opioids.33 Moreover, this syner-
els may not coincide with the timing of the procedure; the
gistic effect causing significant respiratory depression can
response to medications by the patient population is a bell
also occur when benzodiazepines are administered in the
shaped curve whereby dosages and the desired effects do not
presence of other CNS depressants such as a patient’s own
apply universally to all patients, evident in some patients
medications. Untoward physiological effects may include
who may be classified as hypo or hyper responders. Finally,
nausea, vomiting and/or unsteady movements (ataxia). This
The Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry
Use of Enteral Sedation in Pediatric Dentistry
latter condition can manifest as a loss of head control, lead-
lam by 56% and increase its bioavailability by 35%, leading
ing to a compromise of the patient’s airway. Other undesir-
to excessive levels of sedation for the pediatric patient.44
able responses may include a paradoxical or angry response,
Conversely, carbamazepine, an anti-seizure medication,
whereby the patient appears irritable, agitated and/or com-
induces the CYP3A pathway, decreasing the plasma concen-
bative.34,35 Benzodiazepines should be avoided in patients
tration of midazolam and reducing its effectiveness.45
with acute narrow angle glaucoma, and are contraindicatedfor patients with a known allergy or hypersensitivity to them
Diazepam (Valium®)- Pharmacology and advantages/disadvantages Diazepam (Valium®) is the prototypical benzodiazepine, Midazolam (Versed®)- Pharmacology and
having been widely used by adult patients for decades. advantages/disadvantages
Reversibly binding to GABA receptors, its effects on a
Midazolam (Versed®) is a widely used, short-acting, benzo-
patient’s central nervous system are similar to that of mida-
diazepine with minimal side effects. It can be administered
zolam. It is 2-4 times less potent than midazolam, and is typ-
orally, intranasally, intramuscularly, or intravenously. Like
ically administered orally for sedation purposes in doses of
most drugs, its onset of action varies greatly depending upon
0.2 – 0.3 mg/kg, with a maximal dose of 10 mg.46 Its onset
its route of administration. Intravenous administration will
of action (30-60 minutes) is longer than midazolam, and has
result in the most rapid onset of action due to its immediate
a prolonged duration and recovery. The half-life of diazepam
deposit into a patient’s circulation. However, when adminis-
is 20-96 hours, compared with the 2-4 hour half-life of mida-
tered orally, the drug is exposed to metabolic clearance
zolam. Unlike midazolam which produces no active metabo-
mechanisms in the intestine and liver, and will take longer to
lites, diazepam produces two principal active metabolites
produce its pharmacological effects pending its eventual
during its metabolism in the liver; desmethyldiazepam and
deposit into the circulatory system and action at receptors.
oxazepam, which may accumulate and potentially prolong
For pediatric dental patients, it is commonly administered
the duration of action.47 This can result in an undesirable
orally, in doses of 0.25 – 0.75 mg/kg, with an upper limit of
sedation that includes a second sleep effect, whereby the
up to 1.0 mg/kg.36 An effective dose is usually 0.5 mg/kg and
patient appears to awaken, only to be resedated later by these
should not exceed the maximally recommended dose of 20
mg. In obese children, the dose should be calculated basedon ideal body weight.37 When supplied as an oral formula-
Benzodiazepine Antagonist: Flumazenil (Romazicon®)-
tion, the bitter taste often requires an accompanying flavor-
ing agent, (i.e. apple juice) for patient acceptance. In order
One of the benefits of using benzodiazepines is the ability to
to enhance analgesia, the sedative can be mixed with an
reverse possible undesirable effects such as oversedation.
acetaminophen elixir, at a dosage of 15 mg/kg.38 The oral
Flumazenil (Romazicon®) is a benzodiazepine antagonist,
form of midazolam has a cherry flavored vehicle that can be
acting competitively at the benzodiazepine site of the GABA
mixed with children’s flavored aspirin or acetaminophen to
receptor, but without altering its morphology. This reversal
increase the palatability.39 Qualities that increase its appeal
agent is typically administered intravenously and its onset of
over similar drugs in this class, are its relatively high lipid
action is usually within 1 minute. The first dose adminis-
solubility which produces a short onset of 10-30 minutes,
tered is 0.01 mg/kg with a maximum dose of 0.2 mg. Doses
and that its short half-life does not tend to produce excessive
should be administered slowly over 15-30 seconds, and may
sedation or recovery times. Acting on GABA receptors, it
be repeated every minute at 0.01 mg/kg for up to 5 doses or
depresses the C.N.S., and has a minimal effect on the car-
a maximum cumulative dose of 1.0 mg.48 The duration of
diovascular system. Paradoxical responses have been
action of flumazenil is about 30 minutes, less than the half-
life of the benzodiazepine being reversed. Therefore, the
Certain medications can potentiate or diminish the effects
patient should be carefully monitored after its administration
of midazolam. The major cytochrome responsible for the
for any signs of resedation and hypoventilation. If such
biotransformation of many sedatives is Cytochrome P450
undesirable signs occur, another dose may be required or an
3A (CYP3A).41 Concomitantly present medications such as
Erythromycin and Clarithrimycin can increase the levels ofsedation up to 240% by inhibiting CYP3A. Interactions with
Antihistamines- Pharmacology and physiology
azole antifungals such as ketoconazole, itraconazole, flu-
conazole, HIV protease inhibitors such as ritonavir, indi-
In addition to providing beneficial therapy for allergic reac-
navir, saquinavir, nelfinavir, can also increase sedation
tions, emesis, and pruritis, antihistamines are another class
effects by limiting the CYP3A biotransfomation as well.42,43
of drugs that have also been effective in the treatment of the
Another factor that can increase the level of sedation is the
fearful pediatric dental patient. Hydroxyzine is available in
consumption of grapefruit juice. Inhibition of the CYP3A
two forms, Hydroxyzine hydrochloride (Atarax®) which
from grapefruit juice consumption results in a delayed
contains alcohol, and Hydroxyzine pamoate (Vistaril®). It
absorption and reduced first pass effect of midazolam. This
has been used effectively in combination with several other
has been found to increase blood plasma levels of midazo-
agents to reduce the incidence of nausea and vomiting
The Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry
Use of Enteral Sedation in Pediatric Dentistry
during sedation.50 The dosage form is supplied in varying
metabolites produced by opiods are inactive. However, like
concentrations as an oral syrup. The antihistaminic effect is
morphine, meperidine produces an active metabolite,
due to cetirizine, one of its metabolites and a potent H
normeperidine, which has been associated with toxicity that
antagonist51 Hydroxyzine competes with histamine for H
may precipitate CNS excitation, twitches, tremors or
receptor sites on effector cells in the GI tract, blood vessels
seizures. McKee et al found a dose-dependent increase in
and respiratory tract. Hydroxyzine is administered orally at
adverse outcomes with this medication.58 Contraindications
a dose of 0.5-1.0 mg/kg. It is rapidly absorbed from the gas-
include hypersensitivity to meperidine or any component,
trointestinal tract and its clinical effects are usually noted
and the use of MAO inhibitors by a patient within the past
within 15 to 30 minutes after oral administration.52 Hydrox-
14 days. Similar to morphine, meperidine can cause hista-
yzine’s half-life can be as low as 5 hours for small children,
mine release, and should also be avoided in patients with a
which is beneficial because of the diminished opportunity
for a prolonged sedation. Side effects of this medication mayinclude dizziness, ataxia, hypotension and xerostomia. There
Fentanyl (Sublimaze®)- Pharmacology and physiology
are no specific reversal agents for this medication.
Fentanyl (Sublimaze®), like meperidine, is a synthetic com-pound classified according to chemical structure as a
Promethazine (Phenergan®)
phenylpiperidine, and is in a different chemical class than
Promethazine (Phenergan®) is another anitihistamine that
morphine or codeine, a consideration if a true allergy to one
can be administered orally. Similar to hydroxyzine, its onset
of these medications exists. Fentanyl is 100 times more
of action is usually within 20 minutes. A typical oral dose is
potent, and 7,000 times more lipid soluble than morphine.60
0.5 mg/kg, with a maximal dose of 25 mg.53 Undesirable
Consequently, it can more readily penetrate membranes such
neurologic effects such as extra-pyramidal reactions, dysto-
as the blood brain barrier, and become rapidly absorbed into
nia, confusion and excitation may occur. Other side effects
the C.N.S. where it binds with stereospecific opiod mu
such as thickening of bronchial secretions, and pharyngitis
receptors at many sites to produce its effects.61 Its indications
have been reported with the use of this medication. A survey
include sedation and analgesia. It does not release histamine
published in 1987 found it to be the third most commonly
but it has the potential to produce side effects such as respi-
used premedication on its own, and the most commonly used
ratory depression, bradycardia, hypotension, vomiting, and
combination drug (with meperidine).54 However, recently its
constipation. Complications may include chest wall rigidity,
use for sedation in dentistry has diminished markedly.
seizures, and facial pruritis. Of particular significance is thatit is often used in combination with benzodiapenines, syner-
Opiods- Pharmacology and physiology
gistically increasing sedative properties and concomitantly
Opiods, also known as narcotics, or opiates, are named for
depressing respirations. This medication is routinely admin-
the class of drugs that were derivatives of opium. Currently,
istered intravenously. Intranasally, fentanyl is supplied as an
opiod is the preferred term since these medications specifi-
injection solution of 0.05 mg/ml and may be administered in
cally bind opiod receptors (mu, kappa, delta) primarily in the
a dose of 1-2 mcg/kg. When administered orally, its onset of
brain and spinal cord, producing generalized CNS depres-
action is slightly quicker than meperidine, and produces a
sion. These drugs act on many systems producing a myriad
shorter duration of action. Although it has been previously
of effects that can include sedation, mood alteration, respi-
available for oral sedation as a lollipop, this form of admin-
ratory depression, bradycardia, nausea, vomiting, constipa-
istration is not currently a common practice in dentistry. It
tion and pain relief. Analgesia is achieved by inhibiting
should not be used in patients with a hypersensitivity or
afferent transmission of pain sensation in the brain and
intolerance to fentanyl or any component.
spinal cord, resulting in a patient’s increased pain thresholdand tolerance. Clinically, a patient’s respiratory pattern in the
Opiod antagonists: Naloxone (Narcan®)- Pharmacology
presence of opiods may manifest as a reduced rate of breath-
and physiology
ing, accompanied by a greater tidal volume. With the pres-
Naloxone (Narcan®) is an opioid receptor antagonist, com-
ence of other CNS depressants, opiods may act synergisti-
petitively displacing opiods at receptor sites. It is indicated
cally to produce a more profound sedation and significantly
to reverse C.N.S. and respiratory depression secondary to
depress respiration. One of the hallmarks of opiod overdose
opiod overdose. For the pediatric population, doses of 0.01
is miosis, or pinpoint pupils, caused by the drug’s action at
mg/kg are administered intravenously and repeated every 2
the nucleus of the oculomotor nerve (C.N. III). In the early
minutes until normal patient function returns. The maximal
1980s, this was the most common class of drugs used for
recommended dose is 0.2 mg. It is supplied in concentra-
tions of 0.4 mg/ml, so a 1ml vial should be diluted with anadditional 9 ml of normal saline to obtain a safer concentra-
Meperedine (Demerol®)- Pharmacology and physiology
tion of 0.04 mg/ml. Naloxone antagonizes mu, kappa, delta
Meperidine (Demerol®) is a pure mu agonist opioid that can
and sigma receptors, reversing the undesirable sedative and
be administered orally at a dose of 1-2 mg/kg, with a maxi-
respiratory opiod effects, but also antagonizing the analgesic
mum dose of 100 mg. Its onset of action is usually within
effects. It will not reverse nausea and vomiting. Since the
10-15 minutes. The duration of action is 2-3 hours.57 Most
duration of action of naloxone is only 10 minutes, it is
The Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry
Use of Enteral Sedation in Pediatric Dentistry
possible that the patient may experience intense pain, lead-
thetic, demonstrated an increased level of sedation compared
ing to a catecholamine release after receiving an initial
with patients who had received 50 mg/kg of chloral
dose.62 Side effects may include nausea, vomiting, tachycar-
hydrate.72 Another study measured the efficacy of midazo-
dia, hypertension and pulmonary edema. 63 After its adminis-
lam versus diazepam when both were used in concurrence
tration, the patient should be carefully monitored.
with nitrous oxide. Although both groups demonstrated aclinically acceptable level of sedation, the group receiving
Chloral Hydrate (Somnote®)- Pharmacology and
the midazolam had higher levels of sedation at increased lev-
els of stimulation, whereas the group that had received the
Chloral Hydrate (Somnote®) is classified as a non-barbitu-
diazepam was more easily aroused with less of a stimulus.73
ate, a hypnotic that has been widely used as a sedative in
Chloral hydrate has been used in concert with other
pediatric dentistry for decades. It may be administered orally
agents utilized in pediatric dentistry with varying degrees of
at a dose of 25-50 mg/kg,64 with a maximal total dose of
success. It was found that children receiving a sedative cock-
1,000 mg. Its onset of action is 30-60 minutes and duration
tail of chloral hydrate and hydroxyzine, compared with chil-
of up to 5 hours. Its mechanism of action is unknown, yet its
dren who were administered a similar mixture with an added
depressant effects on the C.N.S. are primarily due to its
dose of meperidine, demonstrated no significant differences
active metabolite, trichloroethanol (TCE), a carcinogen in
in their measured levels of compliance and sedation.74 In a
mice. A major disadvantage of this medication is that of all
similar study, it was demonstrated that the addition of the
the orally administered sedative medications, it may have the
meperidine increased the compliance and sedation levels of
worst taste. Moreover, its liquid concentration is a mucosal
the patients, without the added risk of increasing the respi-
irritant that can cause nausea, vomiting or even laryn-
ratory distress.75 In another study, a group of children that
gospasm.65 Compared with other agents, other notable side
received 50 mg/kg of chloral hydrate and 1 mg/kg of prome-
effects include its delayed onset, prolonged recovery, possi-
thazine was compared with a group that received 50 mg/kg
ble cardioirregularity at higher doses, and no analgesic prop-
of chloral hydrate and 1 mg/kg of meperidine. No significant
erties.66 Chloral hydrate depresses genioglossus activity
differences in the vital signs of the two groups were noted,
causing hypotonicity of the tongue which can lead to it
with all subjects being responsive throughout the proce-
falling backward against oropharyngeal structures, depress-
dure.76 Chloral hydrate has also been used in conjunction
ing respiration and compromising the patient’s airway.67
with promethazine. In one study, two groups received differ-
Moreover, it has no reversal agent.68 Although this medica-
ent drug regimens. The first group received 50 mg/kg of
tion was the standard of oral sedation in pediatric dentistry
chloral hydrate and 1 mg/kg of promethazine. The second
for many years, it has more recently fallen out of favor with
group received 1 mg/kg of meperidine and 1 mg/kg of
pediatric dentists and training programs.69
promethazine. The first group demonstrated better results,experiencing less crying and more sleep throughout the
Review of the literature- Studies on sedation
Decades of research have confirmed the safe and effective
The mixture of various sedative agents in order to obtain
means of sedating an otherwise uncooperative child prior to
a higher degree of sedation, achieve a longer and more effec-
performing dental procedures. Numerous studies both
tive treatment time, while producing less patient agitation
prospective and retrospective have demonstrated the safety
has been examined. In order to determine the efficacy of
and efficacy of enteral sedation in dentistry. Several studies
diazepam as a sedation agent, Houpt et al compared one
have also shown the effectiveness of the various sedation
group of children who received 0.5 mg/kg of this drug alone,
agents either alone or in concert with other medications.
with another group that received the same dosage of
There have also been many studies comparing and contrast-
diazepam in combination with nitrous oxide at a concentra-
ing various sedation agents in terms of onset of action,
tion of 50:50. It was demonstrated that the nitrous oxide aug-
recovery period, as well as duration and level of sedation.
mented the efficacy of the sedations by 50%.78
Although not every study will be noted, some of the more
Polypharmacy or more of one drug (or drugs), does not
necessarily ensure better results. In one study, 120 appre-
In a study of 1,112 outpatient children given either
hensive children aged 24-48 months were orally adminis-
nitrous oxide or midazolam over a 10 year period, there was
tered varying dosages of midazolam, mixed with varying
a very low complication rate associated with the procedure
dosages of meperidine. The levels of cooperation and need
and induction of the sedative agent.70 Erlandsson et al found
for restraint were measured for each combination. Combined
the oral administration of midazolam to be a safe form of
higher doses of both agents demonstrated somnolence and
premedication in 160 children with a mean age of 6.7 +/- 2.6
oversedation. The higher dose of midazolam mixed with the
years referred for dental treatment due to behavioral prob-
lower dose of meperidine was the most effective combina-
lems. The advantages of its short waiting-time and half-life,
tion, allowing the successful completion of all visits with no
and level of sedation obtained were specifically sited.71
need for restraint, no loss of consciousness throughout
Comparisons of medications have also been made. Haas
appointments, and no adverse reactions. There appeared to
et al found that children who were administered 0.60 mg/kg
be a synergistic effect of the two medications, increasing the
of midazolam prior to the administration of a local anes-
working time and facilitating the sedation.79
The Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry
Use of Enteral Sedation in Pediatric Dentistry
Routes of Administration
agents and during the sedation at least one additional person
Other research has compared different routes of administra-
should be present in addition to the dentist who is trained in
tions of sedatives. One study found no significant difference
basic life support. During the recovery phase, patients must
in efficacy or safety when the combination of meperidine
have continuous supervision until oxygenation, ventilation
and hydroxyzine was administered orally or submucosally.80
and circulation are stable and the patient is appropriately
Moreover, a comparison of midazolam given orally (0.7
responsive for discharge from the facility. It is the dentist
mg/kg) with 0.3 mg/kg administered intranasally (IN),
who must determine and document that the patient is stable
showed overall behavior of the pediatric dental patients to be
and meets appropriate discharge criteria. Furthermore, the
similar, with no significant differences in vital signs. With
dentist must provide explanation and documentation of post-
IN administration, mean onset time was approximately 3
operative instructions to the responsible adult escorting the
times faster, but working time was 10 minutes shorter and
toward the end of the session more patient movement and
Despite being discharged safely from the sedation site, a
less sleep was demonstrated.81 Also, sedatives are not neces-
patient may still become susceptible to tragic outcomes.
sarily an indication of cooperative behavior at appointments
Unfortunately, with the use of sedation in dentistry, dire con-
subsequent to the sedation. The sedation likely alters the
sequences such as death and permanent neurologic injury
uncooperative behavior only temporarily. Comparing chil-
from respiratory compromise have been reported.85 Follow-
dren aged 39-71 months who had previously received seda-
ing an appointment involving sedation, the patient must be
tion with ones that had not, McComb et al found no rela-
carefully monitored during his/her transportation home. For
tionship between oral conscious sedation and the future
example, if a young patient is placed into the infant seat of a
behavior of children in the dental setting.82
parent’s car, and is unsupervised, then during the ride homethe patient’s head can flex forward and downward, compro-
Patient monitoring and safety training for sedation
mising the airway and leading to its obstruction. Respiratory
arrest can ensue (the primary cause of cardiac arrest in chil-
Although numerous sedation medications have been men-
dren), leading to morbidity and possibly mortality.86 There-
tioned and their pharmacology and physiology discussed, the
fore, postoperatively, it is imperative that a responsible adult
ultimate safety and wellbeing of the patients receiving seda-
continuously monitor the patient for any poor head position-
tion is paramount and ultimately the responsibility of the
person administering the sedation. In an effort to optimizethe safe practice of enteral sedation in the dental practice,
national guidelines have been established and will most
In conclusion, the current care of pediatric dental patients
likely be modified in the future. In addition to possessing
appears to be evolving into three main categories: behavioral
proper knowledge of the pertinent pharmacology, the oper-
management with “tell, show, do”; sedation with orally
ating dentist should possess current completion of a Basic
administered midazolam and/or nitrous oxide and oxygen
Life Support (B.L.S.) course and when treating children,
via inhalation; and general anesthesia.87 Yet this can also pre-
Pediatric Advanced Life Support (P.A.L.S.) is vital. He/she
sent complications when children with management prob-
should be capable of performing bag-valve-mask ventila-
lems in some areas of the United States have recently expe-
tion, and maintaining advanced airway skills, should the
rienced an increase in the waiting time for sedation services
necessity to initiate rescue therapies become indicated.
or general anesthesia88 Coincidentally there has been an
Monitoring the patient clinically and with adjunctive
increased demand for continuing education courses that
medical equipment is extremely critical. An adequate oxy-
focus on enteral sedation recently.89 Courses that involve
gen supply must be determined and baseline vital signs of
patient simulators provide a dynamic hands-on education
the patient obtained contemporaneously with direct clinical
mimicking potential real-life situations. This is similar to
observation of the patient. The patient should be monitored
many areas of health care which have utilized similar bene-
prior to the sedation, during the procedure, as well as post-
fits of combining the cognitive skills taught through didactic
operatively for effective recovery from the sedation. The
lectures with the psychomotor skills obtained in the use of a
triad of proper monitoring includes oxygenation, ventilation,
and circulation. This involves the use of equipment such as
Enteral sedation in pediatric dentistry is a valuable
a pulse oximeter for oxygen saturation, capnography and
adjunct to dental treatment but it must be exercised with cau-
pretracheal stethoscopes to obtain respiratory information,
tion. Preoperatively, patients must be thoroughly examined
continual evaluation of heart rate and blood pressure with an
and medically optimized when necessary. Since the degree
appropriately sized non-invasive cuff and finally direct
of sedation and respiratory depression provided by oral seda-
tive medications is difficult to predict, this treatment modal-
Documentation is also imperative during sedation both
ity is not recommended for all patients. However, with
legally and ethically. It is critical to have this information
appropriate patient selection, judicious use of medications,
prior to discharge of the patient. An appropriate time-ori-
careful monitoring through adequate equipment, and effec-
ented anesthetic record must be maintained that includes the
tive communication, this form of treatment can be safely and
individuals present during the administration of the sedative
effectively administered. With the strong demand for oral
The Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry
Use of Enteral Sedation in Pediatric Dentistry
sedation services evident, properly trained practitioners who
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The Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry
Use of Enteral Sedation in Pediatric Dentistry
The Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry
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