Curriculum vitae

Daniil Petrenyov
Institute of Radiobiology NAS Belarus
Fedyuninskogo Str. 4, Gomel 246007,BELARUS HOME ADDRESS: Makayonka St. 29-30, Gomel, 246038, BELARUS PERMANENT Mayakovskogo St. 12-10, Minsk, 220006, BELARUS MAILING ADRESS: +375 (296) 540 489 Daniil.Petrenyov EDUCATION and EMPLOYMENT HISTORY:

2004- Present
Researcher, Endocrinology and Biochemistry lab., Institute of Radiobiology,
National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Gomel, BELARUS
PhD in radiobiology (expected Nov.2008)
Junior Researcher, Department of Biochemistry, Institute of Radiobiology,
National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Minsk, BELARUS
Graduated radiobiologist with specialization in cellular biology/immunology (2002) Undergraduate student, Belarusian State Educational University,
Department of Natural science, Minsk, Republic of Belarus,
Diploma with Honour in Biology and Chemistry (equivalent to M.S.)

Recipient of the World Federation of Scientists (WFS, Geneva) national scholarship on project “Increased free
radical production in phagocytes as a delayed effect of ionizing irradiation”. 2006-2007

Project leader. Research Grant of Belarusian Foundation of Fundamental Investigations (BRFFI) “Complex
evaluation of functional cellular and biochemical blood characteristics for organism radioresistance
determination” (B05-193). April 2005 – March 2007

The best oral presentation in section “Common and functional biochemistry” at 9-th school-conference of
young scientists "Biology the science of the XXI century" – Pushchino, Russia, April 18-22, 2005.

Participation in BRFFI research grant (B02-101) “Immune system functioning under autoimmune pathology”.
March 2002 – April 2004

Participation in BRFFI research grant (B00-63) “ECHINACEA PURPUREA cultivation in Belarus and its
immunomodulating features”. March 2000 – April 2003

Free Radical Summer School 2006: Biomarkers of Oxidative Stress & Responses (ALC06-36),
30 September – 9 October 2006, Spetses, The Greece (FEBS Youth Travel Grant for participation)
EMBO Practical Course “Methods in Cell Biology: from Single Molecule to Complex System Analysis”,
EMBL Heidelberg, 23 August – 2 September 2005, Germany (EMBO Travel Grant for participation)
FEBS Advanced Lecture Course “Molecular Mechanisms in Homeostasis and Disease”
August 29 – September 8, 2003, Spetses, The Greece (FEBS Youth Travel Grant for participation)

Annual Summer Advanced Radiobiologists School, Radiological Medical Centre, Russian Academy of Medical
Sciences, May, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2006 Obninsk, Russia (Participation grant)
Dos, Windows, MS Office, basic knowledge of HTML, Borland C+ NCBI, EndNote, RefViz, GraphPad Prizm, SigmaPlot, Statistika NCBI, Ingenta, Google, Yahoo, Yandex etc. IMAGE AND VIDEO PROCESSING: ImageJ, Corel Draw; Adobe Photoshop & Premier; VirtualDub etc. SCIENTIFIC INTERESTS:
Biochemical markers of oxidative stress, Molecular mechanisms in cell signaling and redox-sensitive
regulation of gene expression under pathologic conditions such as stress, irradiation and cancer.
Animal Model of Diseases (Oxidative Stress, Diabetes, Acute & Chronic Irradiation, Autoimmune diseases).
Characterization of Innate Immune status under normal and pathological conditions.
Evaluation of oxidative metabolism in the phagocytes (ROS/RNS production).
Isolation, purification, transformation and growth of eukaryotic cells (leucocytes, spleenocytes, hepatocytes, peritoneal and alveolar macrophages, kupffer, dendritic and bone marrow cells). Differential and immunohistochemical staining and morphological analysis. Microscopy (LSM, SPIM, EM). Spectroscopy, Solid-Phase Immunoassays, Liquid Scintillation Counting, Metabolic labeling OUTSIDE INTERESTS:

European Free Radical Research Society (FRRS Europe) participation membership 2006
European Molecular Biology Organization (EMBO) participation membership 2005
Member of The Ukrainian Biochemical Society since February 2003, which is the constituent member of
Federation of European Biochemical Societies (FEBS)
Institute of radiobiology NAS of Belarus edition board member since January 2000.
Member of The Belarusian Biochemical Society since November 1999.

Eugene F Konoplya
Professor, Doctor of Medical Sciences,
Academician of The National Academy of Sciences of Belarus
Director of Institute of Radiobiology NAS of Belarus
Head of the Biochemistry Department of Institute of Radiobiology NAS of Belarus
BELARUS, 246007, Gomel, Fedyuninskogo Str. 4, Phone: +375 (232) 570 706
E-mail: irba
Alexandr I Gritsuk
Professor, Doctor of Medical Sciences,
Head of the Biochemistry Department, State Medical University, Gomel
BELARUS, 246050, Gomel, Lange Str. 5, Phone: +375 (232) 746 833
E-mail: gritsuk
PUBLICATIONS: Total 28, among them 8 papers and 20 thesis of oral and poster presentations.
1. Petrenyov D.R., Gospodarev D.A. [Oxidative metabolism of peritoneal macrophages in long terms after
action of ionizing radiation In Vivo] // Proceedings of National Accademy of Scienses of Belarus – in print
2. Petrenyov D.R., Zaitsava V.A. and Konoplia Y.F. [An alteration in some features of peritoneal and bone
marrow cells in first generation offspring of rats from Chernobyl NPP restriction zone.] // Radiation and
Chernobyl: near- and long- term consequences. (Article book of conference devoted to 20 year of
foundation of Institute of Radiobiology NAS Belarus, Gomel), 2007. – v.4, - P. 142-146.
3. Petrenyov D.R., Gospodarev D.A., Goncharov S.V., Konoplya E.F. [Effects of Selenomethionine on Some
Cellular and Biochemical Indexes of Blood After Ionizing Irradiation] // yrbk. Belarusian committee “Children
of Chernobyl”, 2007. pp. 457-462.
4. Petrenyov D.R., Lukyanenko O.V., Gospodarev D.A., Konoplya E.F. [Lipid peroxidation and trafficking,
production of reactive oxygen and nitrogen species in peritoneal macrophages under experimental
peritonitis and gamma-irradiation] // Proceedings of International conference “Biological effects of low
doses of ionizing irradiation and radioactive environment pollution, BIORAD-2006”, - Syktyvkar, Russia,
February 28 – march 3, 2006. - P.164-165.
5. Petrenyov D.R. [The peritoneal macrophages account to development of induced oxidative stress] // The
Ecological Anthropology / yrbk. Belarusian committee “Children of Chernobyl”, 2005. pp. 211-214 6. Lukyanenko O.V., Petrenyov D.R., Gospodarev D.A. Effect of acute gamma-irradiation induced oxidative
stress on lipid peroxidation and traffic // The Ukrainian Biochemical Journal, Vol.77, №2, 2005. –P. 204.
7. Petrenyov D.R., Luk’yanenko O.V., Gospodarev D.A. Enhanced production of reactive oxygen and
nitrogen species in peritoneal macrophages and changes in lipid peroxidation and traffic under gamma-
irradiation and peritoneal sepsis
// Abstract book of the 9-th school-conference of young scientists "biology
the science of the XXI century" – Pushchino, Russia, April 18-22, 2005. – P. 65.
Daniil Petrenyov
Gomel, 10 August 2008


Effect of Honey, Dextromethorphan, and No Treatment on Nocturnal Cough and Sleep Quality for Coughing Children and Their Parents Ian M. Paul, MD, MSc; Jessica Beiler, MPH; Amyee McMonagle, RN;Michele L. Shaffer, PhD; Laura Duda, MD; Cheston M. Berlin Jr, MD Objectives: To compare the effects of a single noctur- Main Outcome Measures: Cough frequency, cough nal dose of buckwheat honey or

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Estradiol Increases Beta-Catenin Binding to Nuclear TCF/LEF: A Novel Hormone-Dependent Mechanism for Wnt Signaling in the Rat Uteru s Meryl Twarog and Virginia Rider Department of Biology, Pittsburg State University, Pittsburg, Kansas 66762 An Abstract of a Presentation to: K-INBRE Research Symposium, KSU, Manhattan, KS (January 2006) Previous studies in our laboratory showed that progestero

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