Overview of clinical studies with sodium selenite1998 – 2011 Note: Even if not mentioned specifically, sodium selenite has always been given in addition to standard therapy, not as an alternative to standard therapy! Note: Cancer prevention studies are not included. Some minor pilot studies or preliminary publications have also been omitted, if consecutive high quality studies have been published in the meantime.
Design/application Supplierof sodium selenite Different increases in Burk et al., Cancer as selenite, Se yeast and Se-methionine66 healthy volunteers ? Increase of serum Se Broome et al., Am. J. immune response, T-helper cells Better resistance to polio virus challenge 15 sodium selenite (50 mcg / d for 28 days) cal improvement (CD4 = T-helper cells!), no difference in viral load intracranial pressure Elem. Res. 62: 1 – 6 and other symptoms 10 of 12 pts. showed Micke et al., Int. J. marked reduction of Radiation Oncol. Biol. control), single high – 9 (2000); Kasserol- inflammation, no use 18: 2227 – 30 (1998) effects (20,5 % heavy diarrhea grade 2 vs. 44,5 %), no reduction of therapy efficiency (trend toward longer survival) levels of blood Se and GPx activity, in Se group back to normal values reduction of therapy Anticancer Res. 30: significant reduction Princ. Pract. 13: 185 significant improve-ment of quality of life, tracheostomy avoided in 65 % of pts. with endolaryn-geal edema ced immune respon- cher et al., Biol. Trace higher T-cell activity 111 (2000)against tumor cells vs. 7.1 % in placebo group) in apoptotic lympho- Trace Elem. Res. 127: Chemicals, St. Louis, ma cells (78,9 vs. 58,9 200 – 210 (2009); %), higher efficacy of Asfour et al., Biol. et al., Biol. Trace Elem. Res. 110: 19 – 32 (2006) Cassel Laboratoires, antioxidant status in Chim. Acta 373: 92 – 27 pts. RT36 pts. RT + 400 mcg Se p.o. /d for 6 mo.
Significant reduction Zimmermann et al., phlebitis > grade 2 + 1000 mcg Se i.v. in 500 ml saline immediately before n 100 pts. with elective selenase®, biosyn, 128 pts. 500 mcg Se p.o. 132 pts. 200 mcg Se p.o. 132 pts. placebo 12 weeks blood Se concentrati- Med. Klin. 94: S3, 78 No reduction of TPO Bonfig et al., Scienti- antibodies, reduction fic World Journal 10: Better quality of life, Karanikas et al., TPO antibodies, more Ernährung & Medizin Significant reduction Gärtner and Gasnier, in groups with further Biofactors 19: 165 – Significant reduction Gärtner et al., J. Clin. of TPO Ab (63,6 % vs. Endocrinol. Metab. group with complete-ly normalized antibody conc. (vs. 2 pts.) and normal echogenicity of thyroid ment of quality of life, 1920 – 1931 (2011) B IFN + antioxidant cocktail incl. 400 mcg Se p.o. C IFN + antioxidant cocktail + vit. E Plasma Se level and Berger et al., Crit. Pts. with > 4 days of Andrews et al., BMJ Pancreatitis, acute 67 pts. 32 pts. 2000 No effect on clinical Lindner et al., Med. – 5, then 300 until release from ICU35 pts. placebo No effect on clinical Wollschläger et al., outcome (prevention Med. Klin. 94: S3, 81 - non-fortified (35 mcg/d)- selenite (134 mcg/d)- selenate (140 mcg/d) errors in publication 37: 808 – 815 (2011) SELENIO®, Laborato- Significant decrease Manzanares et al., pneumonia after hospital discharge, no adverse events.
10 pts. high dose Se ries Rivero, Buenos endpoints, very high Nutrition 26: 634 – No clinical benefit, no Forceville, J. Trace Per-protocol-analysis: Angstwurm et al., reduction of mortality Crit. Care Med. 35: ml, one as bolus injection within 30 min, rest as cont. i.v. with 2 ml/h), 1000 mcg Se cont. i.v. on day 2 – 14 97 pts. without Se No change in thyroid Angstwurm et a., Eur. 21 pts. placebo (= 35 mcg Se in TPN solution)


SUDEP and matters of the heart SUDEP is likely to have a variety of causes. One of them may involve have only minor effects on the QT interval. Valproate has no direct action on dysfunction of the heart due to cardiac arrhythmia which could lead to cardiac repolarization, but can enhance QT prolongation of co-administered insufficient blood circulation and fatal decrease of oxygen supply. B

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