Sample Abstract for PSBMB 2010 Poster Presentation
Vincent M. Varilla1, Sharie Keanne C. Ganchua2, Concepcion F. Ang3, Myrna T. Mendoza3,
Raul V. Destura2 and Francisco M. Heralde III4
1College of Medicine, University of the Philippines-Manila, Philippine General Hospital 2Institute of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology, National Institutes of Health, University of 3Infectious Diseases Section, Department of Medicine, Philippine General Hospital 4Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, College of Medicine, University of the ABSTRACT
Drug-resistant tuberculosis is a significant clinical and epidemiologic dilemma, with
disease burden reaching 8 million new cases annually and 1.7 million deaths per year. Resistance to first-line drugs like isoniazid (INH) threatens management and cure. INH resistance is associated with katG, a gene encoding for catalase-peroxidase and involved in INH conversion to bioactive form. This study aimed to detect the katG mutations in local TB isolates and describe them in comparison with findings elsewhere. Methodology
Thirty seven TB isolates from patients of PGH were utilized. Phenotype referencing
and antimicrobial drug susceptibility tests (ADST) were previously performed by the IDS- PGH using CDC standard procedures. katG gene segment was amplified and PCR product sequenced and compared with wild type H37Rv (ATCC 25618). Major Findings
The results confirmed early findings regarding katG mutation in codon 315, with most
mutations being AGCACC (Ser to Thr). The results show disparity between the number of phenotypically resistant isolates (89.2%) and the number of actual mutations located in katG sequences (59.4%), pointing to either new mutation regions of katG gene or the occurrence of mutations in other INH resistance associated genes. The isolates showed country-specific variation (e.g., the absence of mutations in codon 309 and occurrence of novel mutation in codon 333 (Leu to Arg). Multiple mutations were not found in any Philippine isolate studied, unlike those in Europe and particularly Belarus, suggesting a possibly lowered secondary infection rate of local TB patients. Conclusion/Recommendation
The study showed the mutation profile similarities and differences of INH resistant
strains from the Philippines with elsewhere based on literature. The results also suggest involvement of other genes in INH resistance of local TB isolates. Further studies need to be done on the entire katG gene or to other INH associated resistance genes in order to account for the observed phenotype. Keywords: INH-resistance, katG mutation, tuberculosis
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