Es ist nicht klar, wie groß die Rolle von Antibiotika in den Wettbewerbsbeziehungen zwischen Mikroorganismen unter natürlichen Bedingungen ist. Zelman vaxman glaubte, dass diese Rolle minimal ist, Antibiotika werden nicht anders als in reinen Kulturen auf reichen Umgebungen gebildet. Anschließend wurde jedoch festgestellt, dass bei vielen Produzenten die Aktivität der antibiotikasynthese in Gegenwart anderer Arten oder spezifischer Produkte Ihres Stoffwechsels zunimmt.

Microsoft word - bc psls newsletter_may-10.doc

Volume 4 - ISSUE 2 - MAY 2010
Evolving BC PSLS as we grow!
Message from Central Office
BC PSLS continues to spread across the
province as Vancouver Island Health
Authority and Providence Health Care
move forward with implementations over
the coming months. At Health Authorities already using the system, the focus has shifted from rollout to analyzing data,
fostering learning and building safety
culture. Central Office is developing new
provincial forms for hazard, visitor and “Looks like an excellent system once it’s up and 
security and property events, and working running ‐ more efficient and effective than a  with stakeholders to develop sections of BC paper system.”  Handler training participant,  PSLS devoted to issues such as Nanaimo Regional General Hospital   Healthcare Associated Infection/
Infection Control. This month, we share highlights of special projects and
update you on HA activities. We hope you enjoy the May issue! New provincial
forms coming
New provincial forms coming soon!
BC PSLS has matured into a robust, provincial safety event reporting and Good catch,
management tool. Between February 2008 and May 2010, nearly 90,000
safety events were reported into the system with an average of 200 reports
now submitted daily from across BC. For the past few months, Central Office Update on
has been exploring options to improve system performance, and responding projects
HA updates
Review of the provincial database tells us that Hazard, Visitor and Security
& Property Events combined
represent less than 6% of events
developed provincial forms for each
give reporters and managers a better, more consistent experience using BC PSLS. Safety Event report forms will remain Health Authority-specific, and
reporters will choose the type of event they want to report from their Health
Authority’s intranet webpage. Questions? Please contact Central Office.
Update on special projects
BC Children’s
Central Office is working with BCAS, the largest
provider of emergency medical services in Canada, to develop new safety event forms to support their current event management processes. PHSA recently assumed leadership responsibility for BCAS, patient ampicillin.
which will allow for easy transition to the BC PSLS platform. The new forms will be piloted soon. Healthcare associated infection / infection control (HAI/IC) events in BC PSLS A group of representatives from PICNet (Provincial Infection Control Network
of BC), BC Centre for Disease Control (BCCDC) and the BC Health Authorities
child was allergic
are working with Central Office and an EMBA student from the Sauder School of to penicillin. The
Business at UBC to determine data requirements for reporting HAI/IC events in BC PSLS. This area of the application could be developed to help us learn
more about infection-related events and how to prevent them. The
group’s first step is to develop a survey to determine the type of information
we should capture. The survey will be distributed to key stakeholders across BC in the coming weeks to help the group develop new BC PSLS fields. Congratulations to the Re:act Adult Abuse and
Neglect team on their successful Go Live (pilot) at
Vancouver Coastal Health! Evaluation is now Good catch,
underway to guide spread of the new Re:act BCCH staff!
reporter and manager forms across the rest of VCH and eventually province- wide. New educational tools and a training curriculum will be developed over the coming months as the team prepares to rollout Re:act. Vancouver Island update
Congratulations to the team at VIHA on their first Go Live at their pilot site, ‘Building’ issues
Saanich Peninsula Hospital, this February! Welcome to Carmen Strom,
new VIHA BC PSLS Coordinator, and good luck to the entire VIHA team as
they prepare to implement BC PSLS at more sites across Vancouver Island.
Providence Health Care update
Burnt out or
Congratulations to PHC on their first Go Live at Mount Saint Joseph
broken motion
Hospital, one of the largest PHC facilities. Handler training and boot camp
sessions were held in March led by Provincial Training Lead Linda Cumming,
with support from new PHC BC PSLS Coordinator, Peter Chan. PHC provides
care and treatment services at eight sites in the Lower Mainland. Central Office news
Broken elevator
Welcome to James Currier who recently joined
BC PSLS to provide business analysis expertise for Central Office and Fraser Health Authority. Congratulations to Inderpal Chani and his wife
 Central Office gets into the Olympic spirit!  Left to Right: Michelle 
Preston, Darren Frizzell, Dean Bruce, Sandra Christiansen, Annemarie  Taylor, Greg Fitzgerald, and Linda Cumming  ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
BC PSLS Central Office 2007 All Rights Reserved PHSA, Children's & Women's Health Centre of BC 4500 Oak Street, Room C431A, Vancouver, BC V6H 3N1 The BC PSLS newsletter is published six times per year by the Central Office. It is intended only as an information service.



PORTUGUÊS V.04 – A frase em que a grafia está inteiramente correta é: Texto para as questões de 1 a 3 a) A rescessão asiática, o colapso russo e a perda de vultuosas quantias roubaram a expontaneidade do mercado de investidores. O espectador de olhar imediatista talvez tenha b) Nessas inserções, todas as disfunções dificuldade para apreender a principal qualidad

february 2008

Bergen CFS-FM Support Group Newsletter Meeting Report The February meeting found our group at another location. This one was held at Panera Bread in the Kohl’s shopping plaza in Paramus. We welcomed several new members and a few supportive relatives/friends. This meeting was a sharing session. Each attendee had the chance to briefly tell his/her story. Everyone’s journey with CFS/FM is

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