COURSES - information from the Back To W ork W eb S ite:
with David Tagg SP Dip A., & Linda Tagg MCSP Telephone : 0845 4631350 U p d a te d 26 Novem ber 2012 – D a te s a nd d e t ai ls m a y b e su b je c t t o a lt e ra t io n , p le a s e v is it re g u la r ly .
Please Note: Cou rse plac es are allocated strictly on rece ipt of ap plication p aym ent.

(Small course - Limited places)

for your individual needs.
Em erg ency First Aid Seminars - A One Day Seminar incorporating Emergency Aid, Adverse Reactions and Natural Remedies
This is a dynamic 1-day seminar in essential First Aid skills that includes 4 hours Emergency Life
Support training to the national recommendations of the Health and Safety Executive.
Wednesday 2013
Venue: The Ash Centre, near Aldershot.

Thursday 2013
Venue: Barrow-in-Furness, Cumbria.
Course Organiser:
Tel: 01229 470120
__________________________________________________ Auriculotherapy (Ear Acu-puncture/pressure)
No need to be needled
For invasive or non-invasive practitioners. Hampshire:
Saturday & Sunday 5 & 6 January 2013
Venue: Eversley, Hampshire, RG27 0NB (Hampshire, Berkshire, Surrey border)
Saturday & Sunday 27 & 28 July 2013
Venue: Soma Therapies
Physiotherapy Clinic & Holistic Health Care Services
32 Hesketh Avenue, Bispham, Blackpool,
Lancashire, FY2 9JX.
Course Organiser: Sandra, Tel: 01253 500252
email: somatherapies@bti Course Registration Fee £225.00

Contact us to arrange other convenient dates & venues
Genuine Int)
Acupressure (2 Days) - Non-Invasive Western Acupuncture - No needling
Includes energy balancing & laser.
Courses can also be hosted at your venue -
Contact us to arrange convenient dates - Venue : NE Hampshire, UK
Acupressure (2 Days)
For qualified Medical Practitioners and Complementary Therapists.
No previous Acupuncture/Acupressure knowledge required
Courses can also be hosted at your venue - 6 and 7 October 2012 in Basingstoke, Hampshire.
PLEASE NOTE - Places are limited to three (3) students only.
Course Registration Fee £200.00
Courses can be arranged to suit Student requirements

Individual Tuition - Small Group Tuition - In Hampshire, UK.
Contact us if you have an interest in one of our courses. Dates MAY be arranged around
small student group numbers.
For Individual Tuition (or very small groups) in Hampshire on the above subjects and Cupping,
Copper & Zinc, Magnet Therapy, Acute Pain Management or Chronic Pain Management: contact
Linda to discuss your individual requirements. Only courses open to general applications are listed
here, ar needs.
All course bookings are made in agreement with the Conditions of Attendance.
To Host a Course at Your Venue :
Telephone : UK 0845 4631350

Not a 24/7 365 days a year service with call centres – Just old fashioned personal service


1.1. GEO. Gene Expression Omnibus http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih. gov/geo/ GEO[1], [2] is an online repository of microarray (as well as other high throughput tech-nologies such as SAGE and MPSS) experimental data. The aim is for data whichis submitted to be MIAME (Minimum information about a microarray experiment Workgroups/ MIAME/ miame.html) [3] compliant. It is notclear that this

Microsoft word - report_questionnaire q94_2004_final.doc

Special Committee Q94: GATT/WTO Report on Survey based on Questionnaire no 4: Implementation of Paragraph 6 of the Doha Declaration on TRIPS and Public Health on behalf of Committee Q94 by Ivan Hjertman and Esmé du Plessis ______________________________________________________________ INTRODUCTION The Terms of Reference of the Special Committee Q94 include the moni

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