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Detailed curriculum
First Year
Module 1 (History and Traditions)
Seminar 1:
1.Introduction & Ethics in Ayurveda: -
a) Ayurveda as the art of living & the science of healing
b) Secrets of healthy living - Vedic cosmology
c) Concept of individual
d) Life & karma
e) Chakras & five sheaths of body
f) Branches of ayurveda
2.History: -
a) Prehistoric period- Ayurveda in the Vedas, Ayurveda as upaveda.
b) Ayurvedic Traditions-
Atreya tradition.
Dhanwantari tradition.
Vaidika period (Brahma, Dakshaparajapati, Ashwinikumaras, Indra)
Mythology of the origin of Elixirs (Amrtotpatti), Incarnation of Dhanwanthari,
system. Sanskrit language.
c) Samhitha period- Atreya school & Dhanwantari school, Charaka Samhitha & Susrutha
d) Samgraha period- Ashtanga samgraha, Ashtanga hrudaya
e) Classical literatures- Brihatrayees, Laghutrayees
f) Universities- Nalanda & Takshashila, foreign students,
Greeks physicians and students, Indian physicians travel in foreign countries like Greece,
Arab etc.
g) Buddha & Ayurveda- Ayurvedic treatments during Buddha’s period
h) Foreign Invasion- Invasion & destruction of valuable treatises, universities.
i) Freedom struggle and Ayurveda-
Forceful introduction of English medical system, Committees for Ayurveda protection.
j) Independence and Ayurveda-
Government comities and other organizations for its uplift,
New education system, rules and regulations, BAMS, MD, PhD
k) Present scenario-
Universities, Colleges, Government hospitals, Private hospitals,
Pharmaceutical industries, National & International seminars.
Authentic centers in Ayurveda in India and aboard.
Module 2 (Basic Principles)
Seminar 2:
3.Phylosophy: -
a) Philosophical background of Ayurveda:-
Veda, Darsana and Ayurveda
b) Knowledge of Substance (Dravya Vijnana)-
Characteristic of matter, number of matters, Proto elements (Panchabhootas), human body-
universe & panchabhootas.
characteristic of proto elements; and its classification,
Time factor (kala) and its importance,
Soul and cosmic soul (athma & paramathma),
Derivation and characteristic of Mind (manas), action of mind and its location.
c) Knowledge of Properties (Guna Vijnana)-
Characters and number of Properties;
Similar and dissimilar Properties, importance of Properties.
d) Knowledge of Actions (Karma Vijnana) -
Characters and classification of actions (karma)
e) Tools for understanding a knowledge (Pramana) Perception, Inference, Statements,
Logical thinking, Comparison etc in ayurveda characteristics of sense organs and their
classification, Development of knowledge, Sensory and motor organs.
Seminar 3:

4. Sarira Rachana Vijnana / Anatomy: -
a) Introduction-
Definition of Body (sarira),
Anatomical dissection in olden days and its explanation,
panchabhoutikata of sarira,
b) Anatomy according to energetic level (Tantra sarira)-
Ida, pingala and sushnumna nadi, shat charka.

c) Anatomy according to vital points. (Marma sarira)-
Definition, number, location, classifications,
Importance in salya tantra, importance of trimarma.

Seminar 4:

5.Kriya sarira / Physiology: -
a) Patho-physiological factors VATA, PITTA & KAPHA (doshas)-,
Its knowledge, etymology, characteristic, functions, locations and classification. Its role in
production of disease, reasons for its increase & decrease.
b) Digestion (Aharapachana)-
Classification of food articles and method of intake,
jatara agni, bhoota & dhatwagni,
Digestion and metablolism,
Different type of gastro intestinal tract - mrudu-madhya & krura koshta.

c) Structure or tissues and its byproducts ( Dhatus & upadhatus)-
Classification, number, production & importance, abnormality.
d) Waste products (Mala)-
Definition, classification, functions
e) Mind (Manas)-
Definitions, properties, relation between psyche and bodily dosha,
Seminar 5:

f) Constitution (Prakruti)-
Definition, classification
g) Toxins (Ama)-
Definition, properties, condition, disease relation
h) Birth of disease (Shatkriyakalas)-
Definition, classification, disease production
1. Demonstration of normal functions of dosha-dhatu & mala.
Analyzing vrudhi & kshaya of doshas dhatus & malas.
Analysing prakruti.

Module 3 (Dravyaguna )
Seminar 6:
6.Dravya Guna / Pharmacology: -
a) Knowledge about Matter (Dravyaguna) –
General information about rasa, guna, virya, vipaka, prabhava
and dosha karma, panchabhautikatva.
b) Classification of matter -
Living –nonliving (Chethana-achethana),
Effect- cause (karya-karana,) Evolution-source and use
c) Taste of substances (Rasa)-
Types, panchabhautikatva, evolution, rasa & anurasa,
Characteristics function and properties of six rasa, effect on dosha & dushya.

d) Properties (Guna)-
Characteristics, types, gurvadi & paradi gunas.
e) Potency (Veerya)-
Definition, types, bhoota & veerya, function of veerya.
f) Post digestive effect (Vipaka)-
Definition, types, properties & functions, relation with rasa & vipaka.
g) Special property (Prabhava) - Characteristics and function.
h) Action (Karma)-
Characteristics, classifications, words denoting karma-
deepana, pachana, samshodhana, samshamana, anulomana, bhedana, rechana, lekhana,
grahi, stambhana, madakari, pramadi, vyavayi, vikasi.

Seminar 7:
i) Medicinal plants detailed description -
Seminar 8:

j) Method of plant collection
Knowledge about the method of plant collection,
Time of collection, preservation methods, storage and Endangered plants.
k) Usage of drugs-
Parts used for medicine, Purification.
1. Identification and understanding of some of the plants.
2. Compilation of a drug

Module 4 (Preventive medicine)
Seminar 9:
7.Svastha Vrutta: -
a) Personal Hygine (svastha vrutta):
Definition of swastha.
b) Daily regime (dinacharya)
Daily routine, Personal development.

c) Seasonal regime (rtucharya)
1. Routine in early winter.
2. Routine in late winter.
3. Routine in spring.
4. Routine in summer.
5. Routine in monsoon.
6. Routine in autumn
d) Three Pillers of life (upasthambha)
1. Concept of nutrition-
Rule of food intake (Ahara vidhi)
Ayurvedic concept of Pathya-Apathya (Dietary Schedule).
Importance of food containing six rasas,
Activities during digestion,
Advantage & disadvantages of vegetarian & non vegetarian food,
Usage of spices in food and their effect on body, bad effect of food,
Diseases caused by over nourishment and mal nourishment (santarpana & apatarpana.)
Foods which aggravate different doshas
Properties and actions of water, legumes, cereals, milk products, vegetables, meat products
and spices.
Incompatible food combinations.
Rules of perfect eating.
2. Sleep (Nidra)-
Proper way of sleep and its relation in health
Types of sleep
Reasons for sleeplessness and its effects.
3. Celibasy (Brahmacarya)-
Importance and utility of celibacy in life
Preservation of veerya (male power) & and its benefits
Menstrual cycle & its importance in preserving health.
e) Behaviour (Vihara)-
Good conduct (Sadvrutta, acara rasayana),
Production of disease by wrong behavior(Prajnaaparadha).
f) Natural urges which should be controlled and uncontrolled (dharaneeya & adharaneeya

g) Infectious diseases and epidemics-
Infectious diseases, natural, chemical and physical method of decontamination, infective
diseases and its preventive methods,
Communicable diseases,
Natural calamities why and what?
Seminar 10: Yoga & Ayurveda

a) Introduction-
Etymology of yoga & its definitions,
Evolution, eight divisions, definition and objectives of hatha yoga
i) Yoga & Ayurveda-
Relationship with yoga & Ayurveda,
Importance of Yoga in preserving health,
Contradictions of Yogabhyasa.
1) Asana- Utility and its effect in health, Important asanas 2) Food during yoga- Pathyapathya, Time to consume food 3) Breathing (Pranayama)- Mala sodhaka pranayama & bhramari pranayama, Time of pranayama avara-pravara-madhya krama, Sudation function of pranayama, Food restrictions, Characteristics of sudha nadi. 4) Yogic purifications (Shatkriyas) Dhauti, Neti, Trataka etc. Practicals: 1.Pratimarsha, anjana, dhuma, gandusa and kabala 2.Dhauti 3.Seven Important yogasanas 4.Practical knowledge of puraka, rechaka and kumbhaka 5.Assessment of individual constitution (Prakrti) Selection of specific diet, daily routine according to prakrti. . Different recipes for cooking a healthy diet according to individual constitution or disease conditions Second Year:

Module 5(Pharmacology)
Seminar 11:
8.Bhaishyajya Kalapana
a) Introduction- Definition
b) Preparation and methods of traditional ayurvedic preparations. –
Svarasa, kalka, kwatha, phanta, hima, arka, avaleha, churna, vatika, gutika, kshara

c) Medicated Oils and Ghees (Sneha)-
Types, Gritha and Taila,
Rules of sneha paka, mode of usage, dose and time.
Seminar 12:
d) Fermented herbal preparations (Sandhana kalpana)-
Asava, arishta,

its preparation, usage, properties, dosage and use on patients.
e) Detailed study of 25 Ayurvedic oils, churnas, lehyas, arishtas etc.
In various disease conditions
1. Methode of preparation of Ayurvedic preparations.
2. Introduction to Ayurvedic products manufacturing units and pharmacies.

Module 6 ( Diagnosis and Master health check up)

Seminar 13:
9.Roga Vijnana and Vikruti Vijnana: -
a) Patholo-Physiological factors (Dosas)-
Signs and symptoms of increase and decrease of doshas, dhatus and malas.
Flow of Doshas (Doshagati),
Formation of diseases (kriyakala),
Channels of diseases (rogamargas).
b) Description of micro channels (srotas)-
Importance of srotas in disease production,
Causes & signs and symptoms of the vitiation of srotas
c) Birth of Disease (Vyadhi)-
Interaction of Dosha Dhathu in disease development,
Types of disease- agantuja, sarira, manasa,
Numerable & innumerable nature of disease,
Santarpanottha & Apatarpanottha vyadhi,.

d) Condition of the disease (Vyadhiavastha)-
Ama & pakva,
Sama & nirama,
Uthana and gambhira
Types of dhatugatavastha

Seminar 14:
e) Etiology (Nidana- Hetu),
Types of hetu-sannikarsha, etc,
Asatmendriyart samyoga, etc, ,

f) Prodromal symptoms (Purvaroopa)-
Definition, types.
g) Symptom complex (Roopa)-
Definition, vyadhi & lakshana
h) Therapeutics (Upashaya)-
Definition, classification,
i) Course of diseases ( Samprapthi)-
Definition, types,
Upadrava, arishta,
Sadhya & asadhya

Seminar 15 : Patienten Examination
j) Examination of the patient ( Rogi pareeksha)-
Darshana, sparshana & prashana,
Anumana, aptopadesha, yukti,
Ashtavidha pareeksha,
Dashavidha pareeksha,

Seminar 16:
k) Examination of the diseases (Roga nidana)-
Jwara (fever),
vatavyadhi(diseases due to vata),
vatasonitha(gouty arthritis)
amlapitta(duodenal ulcer),
sandhigata vata(osteo arthritis),
rheumatism (amavata),
pakshaghata (Paralysis),
visarpa(eczema/ allergies),
adirakta chapa (hypertention/hypercholesterol),

1.Pareeksha vidhi/ clinical patient examination & Diagnosis techniques
2.Case sheet and case presentation

Module 7 Kerala Retreat therapies or Purva karma

Seminar 17:

10. Purvakarma
a) Introduction-
Definition, objectives, divisions.
b) Pre-panchakarma therapies (Poorva karma)-
Snehana (oleation) and sudation (swedana)
Module 8 (Panchakarma-the core of Ayurveda)
Seminar 18:

kativasthy, kizhi, lepa, bashpasweda and avagaha sweda.

Seminar 19:
11.Panchakarma: -
a) Five detoxifying treatments (Panchakarma)-
Therapeutical vomiting (Vamana)- Therapeutical Purgation with different herbs (Virechana)- Seminar 20: Medicated oils and decoctions enema, its combinations (Vasthy)-
Nasal, sinus, Head purification with different herbal oils, powders( Nasya)- Blood letting with leeches and surgical instruments (Rakthamoksha) Its definition, indication, medicines use, method, precautions pre & post management, etc. Atiyoga, heenayoga and samyak yoga of panchakarma and its management. b) Die tics during the time of Panchakarma (Samsarjana karma)- Definition, indications, method. Practicals: 1.Method of administering panchakarma, and poorva karma & practical training 2.Case sheet presentation Third Year

12.Kayachikitsa:(General medicine) -
a) Introduction- Definition, divisions, classification of vyadhi
b) Treatment-
Dwidoprakama, shadupakrama,
principles of treating amadosha,
c) Jwara as a standard treatment-
Definition, synonyms and classification,
Nija & agantu,
Detailed treatment of different jwara,
jwara and its treatments.

(Treatment for specific diseases)
Seminar 22:

1. Specific diseases and treatment protocol with diet and Ayurvedic preparations which are a. Arthritis & Rheumatism, b. Paralysis, c. Hepatitis, d. Respiratory diseases (Asthma, Influenza, Chronic cough, dyspnoea) e. Eczema & Psoriasis, (Neurodermatitis, Psoriatic arthritis) f. Allergies, (Hay fever, Food allergy) g. Insomnia, (Treatment for specific diseases)
Seminar 23:

h. Depresions. i. Hypertension (atheroscerosis, Hypercholestrol) j. Diabetes k. Obesity l. Osteoporosis m. Polyneuropathy 1.Diagnosis, Clinical Patient examination & treatment schedule of diseases 2.Case sheet presentation
13.Prasuti tantra & Stree roga: (Gynecology and Obstetrics) -
Seminar 24:
a) Menustration (Rajovijnana)-
Its concept according to Ayurveda.
Strisukra, raja, rtukala, rajaswala, rajapravruti.

b) Development of foetes (Garbhavijnanam)-
Garbha definition, description of sukra,
Factors necessary for garbha sambhava,
Sex determination factors, monthly growth of garbha,
Nourishment of garbha,
Garbha vikruti,
c) Pregnant women and antenatal care –
A natural approach ( Garbhini vijnanam)-
Characteristics of sadhyoghrita garbha,
pumsavana vidhi,
Factors harmful for garbha,
Regime for garbhini,
Care of pregnant women on monthly basis.
d) Complications in Pregnncy (Garbha vyapath)-
Complication & treatment of garbhasrava, garbha pata, upavistaka, nagodara, lina garbha,
mudhagarbha, akala prasava, kalalita prasava,
Complication like pandu, kamala, swasa, kasa, yonigulma, garbhini makkala, garbhajanya
(toxemia), mrita garbha

e) Postnatal period Sutika vijnana-
Sutika kala
Changes during post natal period,
Sutika rogas, stanya and its characters,
Vitiation of stanya,
Lack of stanya, excess stanya and its treatments.
1.Clinical Patient examination & Diagnosis techniques
2.Case sheet and case presentation

Stree Roga:

Stree Roga
a) description of Artava (menstruation) –
Treatment of dysmenorrhoea,
Niruddha yoni,

b) Disease of the breast (Stana roga)-
Stana kilaka, stanarbuda, stana vidradhi,
Explanation of treatments like uttara vasti, pichu, varti, lepa, dhupana, .

1.Clinical Patient examination & Diagnosis techniques
2.Case sheet and case presentation
14.Kaumarabhrithya (Pediatrics) -
Seminar 25:
a) Care of the new born Introduction-
The stage of garbha, balaka, kaumara, yuva,
care for navajata, balaka, breast-feeding.
Rooms of child, playground, toys.
b) Vikriti-
Examination of breast milk,
management and treatment for breast milk disorders.
c) Children disease and its management (Balaroga)-
Determination of dose of medicine according to age and condition,
ksheranna kala, dantha poshana
d) Sahaja Vyadhi-
Kamala, rakthapitta;
Adibala pravruta
Prameha, yakrud dosha,
Daivabala pravruta-
Jala sirshaka(
hydrocephaly), pangu, muka, vamana, oshtabheda, taluvikriti

e) Disease after labour-
Nabhi roga, akshepaka, stanaroga, vispota, rajika, mugha paka, guda paka, manasika.
f) Ksherapa-
Diseases due to drinking vitiated breast milk, constipation, vomiting, diarrhoea, jwara

Kukunaka, krimi, indigestion, phakka, pangu, gandamala, unmada, apasmara

1.Clinical Patient examination & Diagnosis techniques
2.Case sheet and case presentation

15.Manasika Roga (Psychology) -
Seminar 26:
a) Psycosomatic diseases Ayurvedic Approach –
Introduction- Definition of manas and its properties,
role of lobha-moha-krodha-bhaya-dwesha-soka- in producing manasa roga.
b) Treatment- diagnosis and treatment of manasika rogas like-
Unmada, apasmara, atatvabhinivesha, apatantraka, bhrama, daivavyapasraya & satvavajaya
1.Diagnosis, Clinical Patient examination & treatment schedule of diseases
2.Case sheet presentation

16.Salakya chikitsa: (ENT, Dentistry, Ophthalmology)-
Seminar 27:
a) Introduction-
Netra sharira,
panchabhoutikata of eye, netra mandala, netra patala, etc,

b) Roga-
Sandhigata vyadhi-puyalasa, srava, upanaha, krimigrandhi, parvani, alaji, signs-symptoms
& treatment
c) Vartmagata vyadhi-
Utsangini, kumbhika, pothaki, vartma sharkara, anjanamika, bahala vartma, visa vartma,
arbuda, kumbhaka, klinnavartma, nimesha, pakshma kopa, arso vartma
, signs-symptoms &
d) Suklamandala Vyadhi-
Arma, suktika, pistaka, sirapatala, balasagradhita, signs-symptoms & treatment
e) Krishnamandala vyadhi-
Savruna sukla, avruna sukla, ajakajata, akshi pakavya, signs-symptoms & treatment
f) Sarvanga netra roga-
Abhishyanta, adhimantha, akshipaka, anyato vata, sirotpata, siraharsha,
signs-symptoms &
g) Drishtimandala roga-
Timira, kacha, linganasa, pittavidaghda drishti, kaphavidaghda drishti, nakulanta
, signs-
symptoms & treatment
h) Siroroga-
Importance of sira, uttamanga,
suryavarta, ananta vata, ardhavabhedaka, sankhaka, krimija siroroga, indralupta, khalita,
palita, arunsika, shirobhighata
signs-symptoms & treatment.
i) Karna roga-
Karna sula, karma nada, karma vidrati, karma paka, puti karma, krimi karma, karnarsha,
, signs-symptoms & treatment
j) Nasa roga-
Pratisyaya, pinasa, parisrava, putinasa, dipta, sonita, nasarsa, nasarbudha
, signs-symptoms
& treatment
k) Mugharoga-
signs, symptoms & treatment of diseases of oral cavity, signs, symptoms & treatment of
diseases of lips
l) Danta roga-
Danta sarkara, krimi danta, danta harsha, kapalika, sitada, danta vesta, danta pupputaka,
paridara, upakusha, danta nadi, adhimamsa,
signs, symptoms & treatment
m) Jihva roga-
Jihvakantaka, alasa, upajihva, jihvarbuda
, signs, symptoms & treatment
n) Talu roga-
Gala sundi, tundikeri, arbuda, kachapa, talu pupputa, talu paka, talu sosa,
signs, symptoms
& treatment
o) Kantagata roga-
Rohini, atijihva, valaya, gilayu, galavidradi, galaudha, mamsatana, vidari, svaraghna
, signs,
symptoms & treatment
1.Practical training in kriyakalpa- Aschyotana, putapaka, tarpana, anjana, svedana, pindi,
sirovasthy, karma poorana, kabala, gandusha, dhuma
2.Diagnosis, Clinical Patient examination & treatment schedule of diseases
3.Case sheet presentation

17.Salya Tantra: (Surgery) -
Seminar 28:
a) Introduction-
Definition, Dhanwanthari sampradaya,
Susruthas contributions
b) Vyadhi- Nija & agantu,
and its management,
seven & sixty modalities,
nija & agantu vruna, dushta vruna, vruna pareeksha-sthana-akruthi, varna, srava, gandha,
, treatment and management of nadivruna,
management of sadhyovruna,
signs-symptoms & management of marmaghata, types and treatment of dagdha, diagnosis &
management of raktha srava, vruna bandha.
c) Yantra & Sastra-
Definition, number, types, shapes,
poorva-pradhana & paschat karma in salya tantra,
ksharakarma, agnikarma, jalukavacharana, rakthamoksha, sandhana karma.

d) Arbuda-
Classification and treatment of grandhi roga,
classification and treatment of arbuda,
treatment of kshudra rogas.
e) Bhagna-
Types of bhagna,
general signs and symptoms & management
f) Sandhimoksha-
Classification, diagnosis and treatment of sandhimoksha
g) Asthivyadhi-
Asthi vidradi, asthi kshaya, manya sthambha, galaganda, ganda mala, apaci

h) Vyadhi-
Stana roga, stana vidrati, stana granti, stanarbudha, stana vrudhi, udara, badhagudodara,
jalodara, hernia, gudha bhramsa, arsha, bhagantara, vrukkashmari, mutraghata,
mutrakrichra, ashmari, basti granti & arbuda, sukrashmari, grandhi, nirudha prakasa,
upadamsha, puya megha, phiranga
Ksharakarma and raktamoksha

1.Diagnosis, Clinical Patient examination & treatment schedule of diseases
2.Case sheet presentation
3.Demonstaration of salyachikitsa yantras and shastras

18.Agata Tantra:(Toxicology) -
Seminar 29:
a) Introduction- Definition, sources of visa and its effects, types and classification.
b) Toxins (Visha)-
Visha in anna, pana, vastra, sankavisha

c) Upavisha-
Dusheevisha, gara
sings and symptoms of poisoning,
ojas & visa,
visha vegas.

d) Treatment principles-
Mantra, bandhana, utkarshana, nishpeedana, chushana, agnikarma, parisecana, avagahana,
rakthamoksha, vamana, virechana, upadhana, anjana, nasya, dhuma, pradhamana,
pratisarana, lepa

e) Madatyaya-
Three stages of madatyaya and its signs & symptoms, treatments
f) Jangama visha-
snake venom, types of poisonous snakes, sight of snakebite and treatment, scorpion poison,
spider poison, rat poison-signs and treatments, alarka visha and treatment, sadyasadyatatwa.
g) Upavisha-
Kupilu, bhilva, jayapala, dhatura, arka, snuhi, gunja
, etc.
h) Ahara visha-
Sign and symptoms, virudha-guna, kala, matra, swabhava, principles of food poison
1.Clinical Patient examination & Diagnosis techniques
2.Case sheet and case presentation

Module 10 (Immunology and Sexology )
Seminar 30
19.Rasayana: (Geriatry)-

a) Rejuvenation in which way ?
Introduction- Definition, objectives, suitable person, classifications
b) Method-
Vardakya diseases-
Diagnosis & treatment for geriatric problems,
preparation for rasayana,
administration and post management of rasayana.
c) Preparations-
Important preparations, its usage and administration method
1.Diagnosis, Clinical Patient examination & treatment schedule of diseases
2.Case sheet presentation
20.Vajikarana: (Aphrodisiac) -
a) Introduction-
Definition, objectives, knowledge about suitable person and the time.
b) Medicines-
Importance of stree, preparations,
management of Infertility and impotency.
1.Diagnosis, Clinical Patient examination & treatment schedule of diseases
2.Case sheet presentation

Discussions and conclusions of Ayurvedic medical system and new research methods in

Materials for study.

™ Photos and films of ayurvedic centers in India. ™ Video films of different ayurvedic treatment. ™ Pictures of plants. ™ Films of ayurvedic factory. ™ Power point presentation of plants, treatment, factory etc. Application for Ayurvedic Medicine 2009/ 2011

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Ayurveda care, stattfindet:
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Date of Birth.
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Speciality in medicine .
Hiermit erkläre ich, dass ich mit den Vertragsbedingungen des
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Place, Date.Signature.

Termine für die Ayurveda-Ausbildung
Ayurveda Care Akademie
2009 - 2011
jeweils: Samstag 9.00 Uhr bis 18.00 Uhr + Sonntag 9.00 Uhr bis 13.00 Uhr
Danach wird alle10 Wochenenden eine Examination stattfinden.
Abschlußprüfung: am 18. März 2010
Kosten: Pro Wochenende 550,- Euro
Manuskript : Pro Wochenende 50,-Euro
Bei Zahlung des Gesamtbetrages beträgt die Gebühr nur 5.000,- Euro
Ort & Kontakt : Ayurveda Care Akademie
Sekretär für Ayurveda-Ausbildung
Ayurveda Care
Adam Krafft Weg 2
91438 Bad Windsheim
Ayurveda Care
Raiffeisen Bank Bad Windsheim
BLZ 76069372
Kto-Nr 61409
Stichwort: Ayurveda-Ausbildung Bad Windsheim 2009
Die Ausbildung findet zu den in der Ausbildungsbroschüre genannten Terminen und Uhrzeiten statt.
Die Lehrgangsgebühr beträgt Euro 5000,- (zahlbar in 20 Raten zu je Euro 250,-) oder Euro 4900,- als
Mit der schriftlichen Anmeldung und der Überweisung der Anmeldegebühr ist die Teilnahme rechtskräftig und
verbindlich. Es ist eine einmalige Anmeldegebühr (Euro 200) und eine Prüfungsgebühr (Euro 100) fällig.
Die Teilnahme an der Ausbildung kann bis spätestens einen Monat vor Beginn der Ausbildung schriftlich
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A Pilot Study on the Clinical Effectsof Forans Nutri-Gard® for relief ofGastric Ulcers in Horses R. van den Hoven, S. Wlaschitz, S.Leinker, C.Uray. Clinical Department of Small Animals and Horses, Clinic of InternalMedicine and Infectious Diseases, Veterinary University of Vienna, Veterinärplatz 1, A-1210 Vienna, Austria. Introduction Since 3 meter endoscopes have become routinely available

Microsoft word - medicines for mommies.english.doc

Medicines for Mommies This guide will help answer some questions about using medicines during pregnancy. Please feel free to ask us any questions leftunanswered. Prenatal Vitamins : Every pregnant woman should be taking vitamins. Non-prescription prenatal vitamins are fine. If you are having trouble taking a prenatal vitamin because of nausea, constipation, or some other reason, please discus

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