Es ist nicht klar, wie groß die Rolle von Antibiotika in den Wettbewerbsbeziehungen zwischen Mikroorganismen unter natürlichen Bedingungen ist. Zelman vaxman glaubte, dass diese Rolle minimal ist, Antibiotika werden nicht anders als in reinen Kulturen auf reichen Umgebungen gebildet. Anschließend wurde jedoch festgestellt, dass bei vielen Produzenten die Aktivität der antibiotikasynthese in Gegenwart anderer Arten oder spezifischer Produkte Ihres Stoffwechsels zunimmt.


Study Shows that Nasal Spray Delivery is More Effective for Headaches
Intranasal medications for the treatment of headache have recently received increasedattention. There are a handful of new nasal sprays on the market for migraine and clusterheadache sufferers. Columbia University College of Physicians & Surgeons in New Yorkreported that (PRWEB) September 18, 2006 -- Columbia University College of Physicians & Surgeons in New Yorkreported that intranasal delivery of medication for migraines and cluster headaches may be both convenientand more effective than other modes of drug delivery for a variety of reasons. Using a nasal spray bypassessmall bowel gastrointestinal tract absorption, which is often significantly delayed during the acute phase of amigraine attack. Nauseated patients may prefer non-oral formulations and the nasal sprays are moreconvenient to administer than injection or suppository and so may be used earlier in a migraine attack,resulting in better efficacy. Products such as Sinol, Imitrex, Zomig and Migranal have hit the market and are producing very good resultsamong headache sufferers. Of the 4 medications, Sinol is the only over the counter nasal spray for headachesand the product is all-natural. According to information posted on all four of the companies websites Sinol isalso the only one that can be used liberally and basically has no side effects. The active ingredient in this newSinol Nasal Spray is called capsaicin which comes from the pepper plant. Many clinical trials have beenperformed utilizing capsaicin for headaches, joint pain, allergy and sinus relief and the results are veryimpressive. We began to wonder just how effective this new, all natural Sinol was so we pulled information from avariety of sources and found this product may be all that it claims to be. Of course not all medicines work forevery individual but the patients and doctors we have heard from gave very promising reviews.
Jean Mauro, a severe headache sufferer is now a Sinol customer. “Two months ago, Dr. Alan Rapoport (NewEngland Center for Headache) gave me two sample canisters of Sinol to try out, along with a prescription(which I haven't filled). I have been taking a "snort" at the first sign of a headache-- sometimes needing tofollow up with a second, third, even fourth, spaced an hour or two apart-- but I have succeeded in heading offnumerous headaches. In June, my headache frequency was down to 2 for the whole month (from the typical12-15), even with air travel, balsamic vinegar, and an occasional splash of white wine-- all sure triggers for mebefore Sinol”, Mauro stated.
“Today’s consumers are very concerned with what medications they need to take and what the side effects aresaid Paul Carpenter, CEO of Sinol USA. “All over the world, plants used to be the main source of medicine.
Through the ages, herbalists have passed down knowledge about the healing and restorative properties ofplants. More recently, however, many people have come to realize that modern medicine does not always holdall the answers. There has been a return to more natural, traditional ways of living. People are increasinglytaking back responsibility for their own well-being and actively seeking out healthier and less stressful lifestyles”, stated Carpenter. I am sure that Imitrex, Zomig and Migranal are all great products that probably workwell, however, if I’m getting headaches I want to take something that I don’t have to worry about”. “Ourproduct works very quickly for many different types of headaches including sinus, tension, migraines andcluster”, Carpenter said.
“I have given out bottles of Sinol to my coworkers with migraines and family members with allergies and If you have any questions regarding information in these press releases please contact the company listed in the press release. Please do not contact PR Web. We will be unable to assist you with your inquiry. PR Web disclaims any content contained in these releases. Our complete disclaimer sinus problems and have heard such great reviews. I highly recommend Sinol”, said April Cassidy, aregistered pharmacist and a Sinol customer. Cassidy who is pregnant with her 2nd child said she felt verycomfortable using Sinol while being pregnant. “There is nothing in the Sinol ingredients which I feel is aproblem for pregnant women, however, I would suggest asking your doctor just to make sure the product isright for you”, Cassidy stated. Sinol can be purchased at drug and grocery stores all over the country or you can buy it online,, and
Carpenter said, “If your local drugstore or pharmacy doesn’t carry it, ask them why? This press release was written by Del Young for Sinol USA, Inc.
### Contact Information
Paul Carpenter
If you have any questions regarding information in these press releases please contact the company listed in the press release. Please do not contact PR Web. We will be unable to assist you with your inquiry. PR Web disclaims any content contained in these releases. Our complete disclaimer



Voici la liste des médicaments destinés à la voie orale pouvant être administrés par sonde. Cette liste a vu le jouren 1999 au CHU de Nîmes, et nous l’avons complétée progressivement en fonction de l’évolution de notre livretdu médicament : elle n’est donc pas exhaustive ! Elle est le fruit d’un long travail d’investigation auprès desLaboratoires pharmaceutiques, chacun ayant

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